A man threatening county employees faces charges, deputies serve drug warrant and make a felony arrest
Making a Terroristic Threat Arrest
Steuben County Sheriff Jim Allard reports that on October 14, 2022, Steuben County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Matthew J. Renslow, age 45, of Snyder Hill Road, Ithaca, New York following an investigation of threats made against persons working in the Steuben County Office Building, Bath, New York. It is alleged that Mr. Renslow made specific threats against persons working in the County Office Building, to coerce or intimidate them, and that those persons were in fear of substantial harm. Mr. Renslow was charged with making a Terroristic Threat, a class D Felony. Mr. Renslow was arraigned in the Centralized Arraignment Court and released.

Search Warrant/ Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Arrest
Steuben County Sheriff Jim Allard reports that on October 14, 2022, Steuben County Sheriff’s Office S.W.A.T team executed a search warrant at a residence on Creekside Drive in the Town of Erwin. Resultant from that search was approximately one ounce of suspected methamphetamine and several grams of a suspected opioid, valued at approximately $3,000. The search warrant was issued pursuant to an investigation of narcotics sales, conducted by the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office, City of Corning Police Department and the Village of Bath Police Department. Arrested subsequent to the search was Matthew E. Taft, age 42, of Creekside Drive, Erwin, New York. Mr. Taft was charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance in the Third Degree, a class B Felony. Mr. Taft was arraigned in the Centralized Arraignment Court and released.