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Steuben County Legislature announces partnership with neighboring counties

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Communications funding will help counties work together

BATH – Accepting a statewide interoperable communications grant, appropriating state Consolidate Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funding, and approving a change order for the Bath landfill top the Steuben County Legislature’s agenda when they meet at 10 am, Monday in the county Annex.

The state communications grant, topping $5.8 million, will allow Steuben to partner with Allegany, Chemung and Schuyler counties to address operational issues with all response agencies in the four-county region.

The communications funds will be used to facilitate the development, consolidation, improvement, sustainability and maintenance of public safety communications in the four counties.

It is expected to support and enhance statewide interoperable communications for first responders in those areas.

Long a source of revenue for road and bridge improvements in Steuben County, the state CHIPS funding of $4.4 million will allow the county Public Works Department to add 10 more road projects to it 2023 schedule.

Legislators also are expected to approve the use of $500,000 from the county Landfill’s Gas Collection program to pay Marcy Excavation Services of Troy to remove bedrock at the proposed landfill expansion site.

Other agenda items before the legislative board Monday include:

** Approval of an Intermunicipal Agreement between the Steuben and Schuyler county sheriffs to provide Schuyler County Sheriff to provide special detail deputies on a voluntary basis to perform mutual aid police duties during the racing season.

** Authorizing the distribution of semi-annual mortgage tax receipts.

** Considering a contract to provide underserved county veterans with peer-to-peer opportunities through the county Office of Community Services.** Setting the date and time of the county Real Property Auction.

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