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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Steuben County residents impacted by 2021 flooding to receive $1,000,000 in relief from NY State

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Full application for relief provided by Arbor Development

In August 2021, the remnants of Hurricane Fred swept through Steuben county and caused destructive flash flooding. Some estimates report that three dozen homes were destroyed, and more seriously damaged.

Since that storm, the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA), has denied all requests for assistance to the beleaguered homeowners. Read about that weather event from WETM:

Today Governor Hochul announced a partnership with Corning-based Arbor Development to distribute one million dollars to the residents impacted by the floods. Arbor is a housing specialist who administers grant funding, they describe the process for most housing grants, although this emergency flood funding may, or may not have the same guidelines:

Grants are available for homeowners in Steuben County for health, safety & structural repairs. Repairs might include leaking roofs, electrical hazards, heating & plumbing repairs, septic & well replacements and home modifications for persons with physical disabilities. All repairs are made to energy efficiency standards and “green” standards.  Since it began offering rehab services, Arbor Housing and Development has provided necessary repairs to more than 1,200 homes in Steuben County in New York.

Eligible applicants must have owned and occupied your home for at least 12 months, have homeowners insurance, and meet income and certain other criteria. For more information, call 607-654-7487 to speak with one of our housing advisors or e-mail to find out if you may be eligible.

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