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Summerscape on Loon Lake By Tim McCarthy announces $100 winner

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New site will remain free for the entire month of April 2022 !

James Johnson wins $100 dollars just for using the free site !

The sweepstakes that has had the nation holding its breath has finally found its winner. James Johnson and his family were thunderstruck this morning when our sweepstakes van arrived with balloons and confetti in the air. Just as James was awarded the big check, Governor Hochul arrived on the scene to personally congratulate the winner. The Governor had many wonderful things to say about the, but because this isn’t about using political power for personal advantage, we’ve decided not to print her comments. Let’s just say that no one is more excited about*.

The winner was very reticent to talk about how the family will spend the windfall. We wondered would it be two-thirds tank of gas for the family vehicle or perhaps five rapid test kits?

James did take the time to talk about his experience using the site and looks forward to using in the future to sell his wares, or do good works.

“Actually, it was super easy to use! Everything was right there and it was easy to sign up. I also love that you can see how many people viewed your post!!”

James Johnson

Still FREE through the month of April!!

The other big news announced today was that will remain FREE for the month of April 2022 !!! So if you have something to sell, a job opening, or want to post about your upcoming event…. the time is now!!

If you are sick of Facebook marketplace or other “skanky” sites, give a try this month on the house and give us your opinion, critiques, and ideas for making the site a great tool for the community.

*If you have read this far into my well crafted marketing effort: The Governor didn’t really show up, but James Johnson did win a benny just for using the site. Oh, and we don’t have a sweepstakes van, although James was pretty excited to win.

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