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Summerscape on Loon Lake By Tim McCarthy

Memorial Day Blackout on the Sun

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We won’t be online Monday May 30, barring emergency news

By Andrew Harris, Photos by Syrena Lynn Carver

Thinking about the human losses in war is heavy on the heart. Jason Dunham from Scio NY comes to mind, Hornell’s Zachary Smith, Shawn Clemens from Olean; just some of the recent losses in war from our communities. Knowing that they are three of the millions who died in our service, defending our nation, is a loss that is hard to comprehend.

The recent losses in Buffalo and Uvalde seem like the dead of war. They were killed with military style weapons for reasons that seem pure evil. This evil reminds us of other enemies who took thousands of American lives like Hitler and Bin Laden. It seems appropriate that during this holiday, a day designed to remember American losses on the battlefield, that we should be woefully mindful of the men, women, and children recently killed in warfare on American soil.

We are taking this national holiday to take a breather, a pause, to consider these losses.

We will also be considering our role in the conversation about how to reduce the threat of warfare in our schools, specifically in Allegany, Cattaraugus, and Steuben NY counties. Hopefully you will as well.

Your thoughts are always welcome, or

Look for photo galleries from area Memorial Day Parades on Tuesday May 31

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