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Hornell Board of Education meeting Wednesday June 15, read agenda

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The school board meeting begins at 5:15, in the High School Cafeteria

  1. Opening by the President
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call:  Kerry Davis, Jessica Hess, James Marino, Uzma Mehr, Meghann Khork,

 Christopher Clark, Joseph Liberto

IV.        Agenda

  1. Revisions
    1. Approval

V.         Public Comment

VI.         Recommended Actions  

A.       Presentations

          1.  Jim Caneen – Hornell Area Wind Ensemble – Donation   

B.       Reports:

         1.   Construction Report

         2.   Celebrating Success –    Administrators – Honoring 2021-2022 Retirees:   

                                      Support Staff:

                                       Mary Cavalletti –       Food Service Helper (14 years)

                                       Patricia Clancy –        Senior Typist (17 years)

                                       Kathryn Colucci –      Teacher Aide (16 years)

                                       Collette Cornish –      Teacher/Library Aide (19 years)

                                       Sherry Kramer –        Teacher Aide (23 years)

                                       Barbara Leaman –     Teacher Aide (16+ years)

                                       Lisa McNeill –            Teacher Aide (17 years)

                                       Janice Raish –           Food Service Helper (26 years)

                                       Nancy Thompson –   Food Service Helper  (spanning 27 years)

                                       Jane Trescott –          Cleaner (8 years)

                                      Instructional Staff:

                                     Edward Belin –          Music Teacher (27 in district / 34 in education)            

                                     Damian DeMarco –   English Teacher (30 years in district / 37 in education)

                                     Mary Mauro –            Physical Education Teacher (33 years)

         3.  Superintendents Report  –

Motion to pause the meeting for a brief reception in honor of our retirees.

Motion to reconvene

C.     Consent Agenda / Routine

Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________to act upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti to approve the following Consent Agenda items 1 through 9:

  1. Approval of the minutes for the meetings of May 3 and 17, 2022.
    1. Acceptance of the Revenue Report of April 30 and May 31, 2022.
    1. Acceptance of the GF Budget Transfer Report of April 30 and May 31, 2022
    1. Acceptance of the Fed Budget Transfer Report of May 31, 2022
    1. Acceptance of the Appropriations Report of April 30 and May 31 2022
    1. Acceptance of the Student Activities Report of April 30 and May 31, 2022
    1. Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report of April 30 and May 31, 2022
    1. Acceptance of the Cafeteria Budget Transfer Report of May 31, 2022
    1. Acceptance of the Warrant Reports of April 30 and May 31, 2022.

               10.    Resolved that the Board has no objections to the recommendations of the

Committee on Special Education and approves the authorization of funds

to implement the special education programs and services consistent with such

recommendations for the meetings of May 18, 25, 26, 2022 and June 6 and 8, 2022, the CPSE meetings of May 20, 2022 and June 2, 7 and 8, 2022 and the 504 meeting of June 8, 2022. 

AYE _________  NAY_______ ABSTAINED__________________________________

D.     New Business

         1.   Policy/Procedure

a.    Review of Updated District Safety Plan – No Action

b.    Acceptance of Donation

       Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board

       accept the generous donation of the following band instruments from the Hornell

       Area Wind Ensemble, Inc.:

               High School – Ludwig Concert Bass Drum and stand (value $1,400)

                                       Latin Percussion Granite Blocks (temple blocks) (value $240)

               Intermediate –  Latin Percussion Granite Blocks (temple blocks) (value $240)

c.     Annual Re-organizational Meeting

        Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board

        approve holding the annual reorganizational meeting on

        at                         in the HS Library.

 d.   Release of the Request for Proposal for Energy Performance Contract

       WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Hornell City School District would like to reduce energy and maintenance costs at School buildings through the use of an energy performance contract. WHEREAS, Article 9 of the Energy Law, as amended by Chapter 368 of the Laws of 1994, establishes procedures to be used by school districts and BOCES in initiating and administering energy performance contracts. WHEREAS, the School District wishes to receive proposals from energy performance contracting firms with the intent to initiate an energy performance contract. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Hornell City School District authorizes the release of a Request for Proposal for the Project to potentially interested contractors, for the purpose of improving the efficiency of the School District’s energy systems in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth by NYSED and the NYS Energy Law; and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes the Board President to execute the necessary documents to effectuate said energy performance design and oversight by the Districts Architects and Engineers LaBella Associates, D.P.C..

        2.  Finance

           a. Cooperative Electric Supply Bids

Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the resolution to participate in the Cooperative Electric Supply Bids with the Wayne Finger-Lakes BOCES for the 2022/23 school year. (See Electric Supply Coop)

                        b.   Turning Point Service Contract

                              Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the

Board approve the contract with Turning Point to provide ABA Consultation Services

for the 2022/23 school year.

c.   Steuben County – Special Education Pre-School Transportation Contract Renewal

          Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board

         approve the renewal of the contract with Steuben County to provide transportation to  

         Special Education Pre-school student for the term of July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.

d.     Steuben County – Evaluation and Related Services Contract Renewal

   Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the renewal of the contract with Steuben County to provide evaluation and related services for Pre-school student for the term of July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023.

e.   Student Transportation – Vehicle Purchase

      Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, and pursuant to the public vote on May 17, 2022 to expend from the 2012 School Bus Reserve and in accordance with the district’s purchasing policy, the Board approve the purchase of a 2022 Chevrolet Suburban as specified in the vehicle detail report from Cappellino Chevrolet, Inc.. (Due to current inventory shortages, dealers are not responding to requests for bids and will not be in the foreseeable future, thus requiring this purchase to be approved by the Board per the district policy),

                        f.    Independent Contractor Service Agreement w/ Juventas

Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the Independent Contractor Service Agreement with Juventas Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy Services, PLLC for speech services effective July 1, 2022. 

g.   Maintenance Vehicle Purchase

Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, and pursuant to  and in accordance with the district’s purchasing policy, the Board approve the purchase of two 2022 Ford F350 Super Duty Trucks as specified in the vehicle detail report from Friendly Ford, Inc.. (Due to current inventory shortages, dealers are not responding to requests for bids and will not be in the foreseeable future, thus requiring this purchase to be approved by the Board per the district policy),

         3.  Personnel

There are numerous personnel items on the agenda.



For those who will be attending graduation on Friday, June 24th:

Please meet us at the gate to the stadium at the 50 yard line closest to the building at 6:45 pm.  

If it looks like rain, we will meet in the A gym at the same time.

The Annual Reorganizational Meeting and next Regular Board of Education Meeting will be held on             at                      in the High School Library.

Motion to move to Executive Session to discuss the tenure of particular individuals.

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