Hornell Chapter #620, Women of the Moose, held its Installation of Officers, Appointed Officer and Chairmen for the 2022-2023 Chapter year.
The ceremony was begun by Installing Chairman Mary Nisbet. Introduced as Installing Officers were Janice Wood, Installing Regent; Darlene Krupp, Installing Chaplain; and Janet Chaffee, Installing Guide.
The Opening Blessing upon the installation was given by Installing Chaplain Darlene, followed by the Pledge to the Flag. The gavel was then given to Installing Regent Janice to conduct the ceremony.
Installed as Chapter Committee Chairmen were: Brenda Evingham, Membership; Phena Roe, Fraternal Activities; Mari Jamison, Mooseheart/Moosehaven; and Patti Spicer, Higher Degrees. Appointed Officer Linda Sharrett was installed as Guide.

Installing Guide Janet Chaffee escorted each member of the Board of Officers, one-at-a-time, to the altar. Installing Regent Janice then read the duties of the Office to which each officer had been elected. Installed for the 2022-2023 Chapter year were Danyelle O’Brien, Secretary and Cheryl Dobson, Senior Regent. Each officer was then escorted to her chair.
Installing Regent Janice asked the new officers, appointed officer and chairmen to rise and repeat after her the obligations of their service to the Chapter. All were then declared duly installed for the ensuing year.
The gavel was presented to Senior Regent Cheryl who addressed and thanked the Chapter. She then introduced the Financial Review Committee: Chairman Mary Nisbet and Reviewers Pat Clark and Kathy Cramer. The Application Review Committee was also introduced: Mari Jamison, Cherie Creeley and Pat Clark.
The Closing Prayer was given by Installing Chaplain Darlene, followed by the closing of the ceremony.
Installing Guide Janet escorted Senior Regent Cheryl to the altar where she was presented with a bouquet of flowers from the Chapter. Cheryl was also presented with the “2021 Chapter Member of the Year” Certificate for Hornell Chapter. Certificate recipients were announced at the N.Y.S. Moose Association Mid-Year Convention in April.
Refreshments were served following the ceremony.
Julie Trax was installed as Treasurer at the following meeting in May.
The next Chapter meeting will be held on June 28th.