Ambulance, Solar, Sidewalk, APD, ATVs and CCAA
By Dan Acton, Alfred Town Supervisor
A variety of topics were considered by the board at its monthly meeting beginning with a presentation by Rebecca Hamm regarding the A. E. Crandall/Alfred Ambulance. It is a volunteer organization and does not charge for its services. However due to recent state legislation when connecting with an ambulance service that does charge for services, Alfred Ambulance will be charged by that other ambulance. This will put a financial burden on Alfred Ambulance. They are petitioning the governor to override the legislation and are seeking our help; the board indicated they would support their efforts.
A community member asked about the open house recently held by Northland Power regarding the proposed solar project on McAndrews Road. They wanted to know if there would be an opportunity for public input in as much as the open house did not provide any formalized way to do this. The board responded that the state requires an opportunity for public input 60 days after a completed application is received by the state. They estimated that public hearing may be near the end of this calendar year.
A question was raised about the status of the sidewalk, who was liable for any injury and who would remove snow. The board stated that the engineers are still waiting on DOT to approve final plans. They also reiterated that liability resides with the town and that the town would be responsible to remove snow.
The running of ATVs on East Valley Road was another topic of discussion. The board reiterated that these are not allowed on town roads. The board decided to revisit the contract with APD and see what enforcement mechanism is available to address the ATVs.
Board member Fion McCrea reported on options for getting charging stations in the town. Funds are available from state agencies for installation. Requirements include a place for long-term parking, and it must be within a prescribed distance from an interstate highway. He will continue to investigate if we can qualify.
Your supervisor reported on a program that can provide a maximum 10% discount on resident’s electric bills as a result of the solar project on Jericho Hill Road. This is known as Community Choice Aggregation Administration (CCAA). More on this as it becomes available.