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Paladino has been signing paychecks, Langworthy has been spinning his wheels

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Amazing things one finds on the Internet!

While researching the two Republican candidates vying for the NY 23rd representative district, Carl Paladino and Nick Langworthy, I noticed some interesting items.

Items that show that Mr. Paladino as spent almost a half a century (since 1973) creating jobs and signing paychecks for his expanding business, Ellicott Development Corp. in this area, a firm that develops things like residential, business, mercantile and industrial spaces, where existing businesses can grow, new businesses can start, and people can stay and live, and manage projects that provide work for area construction firms employees and related businesses and suppliers.

So far, all I have found for Mr. Langworthy is that he has spent 9 years as Chairman of the Erie County Republican Party – a County that has been, and still is, primarily under Democratic control, and 3 years as the Chairman of the New York State Republican party – a State that has been, and still is – totally under Democratic control. Looks to me like he has been spinning his wheels for the last 12 years.

And now he wants us to believe that – if we elect him to represent us in the 23rd Congressional District – he is going to charge right down to Washington – a government under Democratic party control – and “STOP BIDEN AND PELOSI”!

R I G H T!!

Articles have also been noticed where high level Republicans have commented that Mr. Langworthy should either resign as State Party Chairman or do his job to support existing Republican candidates across the state.

Which brings up the question – is he using the resources of his current position to further his personal ambitions, while ignoring the rest of the Republican candidates across the state?

By the way, can anyone out there point me to more information on the anti-Paladino outfit
“American Liberty Action PAC”? their WEB site ( consists of a single screen that doesn’t tell one who they are,what they stand for or where they are from – but their tv ads show that do like to sling mud at Mr. Paladino.

Doug Rettig, Sr. Cuba, NY

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