Unwanted medication disposal locations, online support groups, and an important survey
Updated list of locations in Steuben County that you can drop off unwanted/unused prescription medications. You can seriously reduce the change of an accidental overdose in your home by properly disposing of medications. Improper disposal, such as flushing down the toilet can further contaminate water supplies.

The Steuben Prevention Coalition is conducting an Adult Perception Survey to learn more about how Steuben County residents view underage drinking, marijuana and drug use. Please take 10 minutes to answer these 36 questions to complete the following survey. All of your answers will be kept confidential and will not be shared with any other agency.
The results of this survey will be used to guide the efforts of the Steuben Prevention Coalition and provide data for future funding opportunities. Click the image or visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/XDNWC2S
Are you, a friend, or family member struggling with addiction? The coalition has a support group twice per month via Zoom: