BATH – A Town Hall meeting on issues surrounding underage drinking is set for 11 am to 2 pm Wednesday in Pulteney Square, Bath.

The event features a keynote speech “Consequences of Bad Decisions,” by Kimberly Clark and comments by Steuben County Sheriff James Allard and Steuben Prevention Coalition (SPC) Chairwoman, county Legislator Hilda Lando, (D-Corning City).
“We need to continue community awareness and education not only for our youth but for adults as well, said Colleen Banik, SPC Drug Free Communities Prevention Coordinator. “The need for awareness and education is always there.”
Banik said that the use of alcohol and marijuana continues to be the focus of the SPC, based on the 2021 Prevention Needs Assessment Survey of youth in Steuben County and the 2021 Adult Perception Survey which shows alcohol remaining the number two concern of community residents for youth in Steuben County, second only to vaping.
The event is sponsored by the Steuben Prevention Coalition and its task force on Underage Drinking.
** Agencies participating in the event are listed below