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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

New Era Democrats Endorse Congressman Zeldin for Governor

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A paradox in modern politics, Democrats endorse a Republican

Today, the New Era Democrats endorsed Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), the Republican Party and Conservative Party nominee for Governor. Watch the endorsement here.

Governor Kathy Hochul doesn’t see what’s in front of her. There has to be a change and public safety needs to be number one,” said President of New Era Democrats John Orlando. “We need someone who is willing to work with people, who wants to include more people in the conversation. Congressman Zeldin is out in the streets and is working hard, which is why we’re proud to give our endorsement to Congressman Lee Zeldin.”

Congressman Zeldin said, “It’s been an honor to earn the support of the New Era Democrats. New Yorkers of all backgrounds are leaving this state because they feel like their wallets, their safety, their freedom and their kids’ education are under attack. They’ve reached the point where they’ve decided their American Dream is no longer a New York dream and they’re fleeing. People feel like their money will go further, they’ll live life safer, they’ll live life freer somewhere else. Now’s the time to change that. Every day, more and more Democrats are joining our rescue mission to save our state. This isn’t about being Democrat, Republican, or independent. This is about all of us as New Yorkers working together to restore New York to glory. Just as my running mate, Alison Esposito, often says, this isn’t a red wave. This is a common sense wave.”

According to Georgetown University and the Lugar Center’s Annual Bipartisan Index, Congressman Zeldin has consistently been ranked as one of the most bipartisan Members of Congress, ranked the 19th most bipartisan member of the House of Representatives last Congress.

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