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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Steuben County Legislative Meeting Monday, September 26

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10am meeting in Bath NY, read interactive agenda

County leaders will meet in the Legislative Chambers, 3rd Floor, Annex Building- Bath, New York for a regular monthly meeting. The county provides the following notice and agenda, which provides a detailed list of resolutions, legislative sponsors, and each links to more details about the proposal:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Steuben County Legislature, and pursuant to Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2022, the regularly-stated monthly meeting of the Steuben County Legislature will be held on Monday, September 26, 2022, at 10:00 A.M. in the Legislative Chambers, 3rd Floor, Annex Building, 20 East Morris St., Bath, New York 14810.


  1. Call to Order.
  2. Roll Call.
  3. Invocation.
  4. Pledge of Allegiance.
  5. Memoriam – Fred E. Lewis.
  6. Certificates of Appreciation.
  7. Comments by Members of the Public.
  8. Adoption of Minutes of the Previous Meeting/s.
  9. Reports of Standing Committees.
  10. Reports of Special Committees.
  11. Reports of County Officers.
  12. Announcements.


  1. Matters Pertaining to County Real Property Tax Sales, Corrections of Assessments, Property Taxes, and Other Real Property Acquisitions and Dispositions. (Swackhamer)
  1. Authorizing and Directing the Commissioner of Finance to Transfer Funds to the Parts and Repairs and Diesel Fuel Accounts for the Solid Waste Division. (Nichols / Swackhamer)
  1. Authorizing the Appropriation of Opioid Settlement Funds. (Ferratella / Swackhamer)
  1. Accepting New York State Office of Mental Health Mobile Crisis Funding. (Ferratella / Swackhamer)
  1. Accepting the New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports Cost of Living Allocation (COLA). (Ferratella / Swackhamer)
  1. Accepting the New York State Office of Mental Health Cost of Living Allocation (COLA).  (Ferratella / Swackhamer)
  1. Authorizing an Inter-Municipal Agreement with Ontario County for Preschool Transportation. (Ferratella)
  1. Approving Amendments to the WAGA Lease Agreement. (Nichols)
  1. Accepting the New York State 2021-2022 Public Safety Answering Points Operations Grant. (Malter / Swackhamer)
  1. Accepting the FY21-22 Statewide Interoperable Communications Grant. (Malter / Swackhamer)
  1. Accepting the FY 2022 State Homeland Security Program. (Malter / Swackhamer)



  • Other relevant and urgent County matters which necessarily need the action of the County Legislature at this slated meeting, SUBJECT to 15 AFFIRMATIVE VOTES, or UNANIMOUS vote of the members of the Legislature if less than 15 members are present to entertain such matters.


  1. Unfinished business.
    1. Adjournment.
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