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Summerscape on Loon Lake By Tim McCarthy

Albany Times-Union Editorial Board: Lee Zeldin’s “Record and Agenda are Troubling”

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Times-Union Knocks Zeldin for “Autocratic Approach to Governance,” Grandstanding on Crime

New York, NY – In its endorsement of Governor Kathy Hochul, the Times Union editorial board slammed Lee Zeldin’s far-right record, extremism, and lack of a serious approach to governing.

The Times Union noted that Zeldin’s “record and agenda are troubling” and that his positions are “on the wrong side of far too many of the big issues in this race.”

The editorial board noted Zeldin has an “autocratic approach to governance that bodes poorly for a state that needs to function, not be embroiled in the partisan strife and gridlock that we see in Washington, D.C., just because one side isn’t happy that it didn’t get its way.”

On the issue of crime, the editorial board criticized Zeldin for grandstanding and argued that Zeldin “purports to stand for law and order even as he misconstrues criminal justice policy and continues to ally himself with a former president who incited an insurrection against our nation.”

“Once again, Lee Zeldin is rightly exposed for his extremist positions and lack of a serious approach to governing,” said New York State Democratic Party Chairman Jay S. Jacobs. “Lee Zeldin has no credibility in his attempt to run for the state’s highest office, is out of touch with the majority of New Yorkers, and voters will reject him this November.” 

Highlights from the editorial are below:

Times Union: Editorial: For governor, Kathy Hochul

By: Times Union Editorial Board 10/23/22

[…] As for Mr. Zeldin, we are troubled by his past support of former President Donald Trump’s disproved lies that the 2020 election was rigged, including his vote in Congress against certifying the results. That flew in the face not only the truth but the will of the people of the state he now wants to govern. And he downplays Mr. Trump’s recent endorsement, something we take as an attempt to distract voters from his close association with a former president who most New Yorkers correctly see as a toxic presence in American politics.

Mr. Zeldin is among those who have cherry-picked violent crimes to pin them, not always accurately, on bail reform. And he has threatened to use an executive order to suspend reforms that were approved by the majority of New York’s lawmakers. That’s an autocratic approach to governance that bodes poorly for a state that needs to function, not be embroiled in the partisan strife and gridlock that we see in Washington, D.C., just because one side isn’t happy that it didn’t get its way.

And on what other issues, we have to wonder, would Mr. Zeldin abuse executive power to try to strong-arm the Legislature? Abortion? Fracking of natural gas, which the state has banned? Climate initiatives? His fossil-fuel-friendly “all of the above” energy approach flies in the face of the state’s goal of being a national leader in the shift to clean, sustainable energy to do its part against global warming.
Mr. Zeldin is on the wrong side of far too many of the big issues in this race. Ms. Hochul has shown herself to be the right leader for New York right now. 
We hope New Yorkers give her a full term.

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