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Alfred Town Talk

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Antennae, Sidewalk, and Appointments

By Dan Acton, Alfred Town Supervisor

First on the agenda was Professor Fred Beaudry of Alfred University who proposed to erect a small antenna near the playing fields on Jericho Hill. The purpose is to allow detection of transmitter-equipped birds flying within three to ten miles during the spring and fall migrations. Each transmitter produces a unique signal, allowing identification of the bird. The mast would be a maximum of 30 feet and powered by solar. The antenna will be non-transmitting in that it will receive only. The board was supportive of his plan and indicated that they will consult the zoning law to determine how this can be done.

As to the matter of the cell town on Jericho Hill our legal counsel determined that the building permit application was complete. Therefore, the board agreed to notify our code enforcement officers that they may act on the application.

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The supervisor reported on a recent conference with CPL engineers regarding modifications to the proposed sidewalk on State Route 244. The tentative plan now is to have a sidewalk with streetlights, running from ServU Credit Union continuing in front of the ASC bus garage. A crosswalk at the intersection with Sugar Hill Road would allow the sidewalk to continue on the north side of the road to the Village/Town line. From there the eight-foot-wide shoulder would be expanded to ten feet; this would accommodate a five-foot bicycle lane and five-foot wide pedestrian lane all the way to the Dollar General. On the opposite side of the road would be a five-foot wide bicycle lane running from Tinkertown Hardware to the credit union. Lighting along the pedestrian/bicycle path is still being designed.

Finally, the board appointed Allan Burdick to the Zoning Board of Appeals and Jerry Snyder to the Planning Board. The board expressed its appreciation to Nelson Snyder for his many years of service on the Zoning Board of Appeals.

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