Pack 1026 toured one of the premier, all-natural farms in the area
By Mary Gardner-Ruch
On Saturday, April 29th, Alfred Area Cub Scouts from Pack 1026 visited Living Acres Farm in Alfred Station. The Lions and Tiger Dens along with their families had a farm tour led by farmer, Amanda Khodorkovskaya.
Maria Lanahan, Den Leader of the Lions, shared that they are learning about planting and growing food as they cover, “Ready Set Grow”. Marcel Lanaha, Den Leader of the Lions, shared that they are learning about nature in the area as they cover, “In the Wild”. They are planting seedlings and building birdhouses from used milk cartons.

The children begin their tour of the farm in the greenhouse where the seedlings are started. They saw Chives coming out of the ground and tried to guess what they were. In the fields, they were shown current bushes, learned about how peas grow up a trellis, and picked fresh mint to smell and taste. In the large high-tunnel greenhouses, they were able to identify vegetables and pull up carrots to wash and eat.
Everyone seemed to be enjoying the tour and will take back their knowledge and build upon it as they learn more about growing food and being part of nature.