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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

NEW POLL: Who will be the new mascot for Canisteo-Greenwood?

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Choose between the final eight options before a student panel

By Andrew Harris

The administration at Canisteo-Greenwood have been keeping one step ahead of the new state law which bans the use of certain school mascots. The district dropped the Redskins name well before the official state notice and have been working with the community to move forward.

After community polling and outreach sessions, the district has settled on eight potential new candidates and has placed the final decision in the hands of the students. On Monday, that panel of students will make a decision that will mark a new era at Canisteo-Greenwood.

Choose from wildlife: coyotes, condors, or raptors? Maybe fantasy? Comets, Red Dragons, or Firehawks ?

Vote your favorite and we will report the schools official new mascot as soon as possible. Read the latest story about the move past the “Redskins” era below:

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