News, Politics, and Culture from 14843

Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Hornell Police Department Log for 6/14/23

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Officers in the Maple City report a scary incident at the Hornell High School, two students charged

*The Hornell Police Department has begun publishing daily logs of officer activity. We will be publishing these logs multiple times each week as provided.

From the Hornell Police Department 6/14/23,

12:56am   Property check.

1:03am    Hornell St. Suspicious condition. Resident reported seeing someone in her kitchen. Officers searched residence with negative results.

1:05am    Henry St. Suspicious condition. Officers spoke with a group of juveniles. Juveniles were heading home.

1:40am    Property check.

3:40am    2am -6am parking tickets. 10 parking tickets issued.

5:02am    Hornell St. Suspicious condition. Resident reported people in her house. Officers checked the residence with negative results.

5:08am    East Main St. Suspicious condition. Resident reported someone trying to break into his garage. Officers checked the area with negative results.

7:21am    Maple Court Homes. Property dispute. Officers advised both parties of their rights.

7:39am    Maple City Drive. Hazard. Subject walking on the highway and is currently on the overhead. Officer transported subject to Genesee St.

8:15am    High School. Proactive safety patrol.

8:15am    Terry St. Found Property. Resident found a cell phone on her porch. Phone returned to owner.

8:52am    East Washington St. Juvenile Complaint. Juvenile operating a four- wheeler on East Washington St. Juvenile advised to cease actions.

9:00am    East Ave. Check Welfare. Subject failed to report to work for extended period. Officers located      subject.

10:18am Bennett St. Check Welfare. Subject failed to report to an appointment. Officers located subject.

10:31am Lost Property. Subject reported he lost a trailer license plate. Subject issued a form for the Department of Motor Vehicles.

11:01am Hornell High School. Juvenile incident. Two juveniles were petitioned into Family Court for Reckless Endangerment 2nd and Unlawful Possession of Weapons by persons under sixteen after an investigation into the firing of an Orbeez Gel Ball gun into a crowd of students leaving the Hornell High School on 6/13/23.

11:05am Maple Court Homes. Disturbance. Report of an unwanted person at residence. Officers spoke with both parties and advised them of their rights.

12:00pm Headquarters. Background investigation for a contractor’s permit.

12:20pm Loder St. Parking complaint. Report of vehicles blocking alley behind Whistle Stop Plaza. Officer checked area and reported alley is not blocked at this time.

1:04pm   Wells St. Parking complaint. Report of vehicles blocking a driveway. Officer checked area and reported no vehicles blocking the driveway at this time.

1:43pm   Allen St. Suspicious person. Report of a person walking around Intermediate school looking in the windows. Officers checked the area and were unable to locate anyone around the school.

3:04pm   Buffalo St. Check Welfare. Report that subject failed to show for an appointment and requested a welfare check. Officers located subject.

3:16pm   Opera Alley. Criminal mischief. Report that someone damaged a lock on rear door of business. Officers investigated the incident. All shifts were advised to concentrate patrols in the area.

5:29pm   Maple City Drive. Juvenile complaint. Report of two juveniles playing on the guardrails on Maple City Drive. Officers located the juveniles and brought them home to their parents.

5:57pm   Maple City Drive. Traffic stop. Operator advised.

6:06pm   Maple City Drive. Traffic stop. 1 UTT issued.

6:50pm   Ontario St./Cedar St. Motor Vehicle Accident. Officers investigated a two car motor vehicle accident at the intersection of Ontario St. and Cedar St.

7:59pm   Headquarters. A public ID was issued to a city resident.

9:27pm   Erie Ave. Bike Larceny. Report of a Kink BMX bike color black stolen from a residence. Officers checked the area but were unable to locate the bike.

9:54pm   Fairlawn Ave. Parking complaint. Report of a vehicle parking on resident’s property. Resident approached the vehicle to advise subject and subject began approaching resident. Resident went back inside and called 911. Vehicle then left the property. Officers checked area with negative results.

10:02pm Canisteo St. Mental Health complaint.  Subject called headquarters in crisis. Subject taken to St. James for an evaluation.

11:37pm Maple City Drive. Traffic stop. 3 UTT’s issued.

11:53pm Property Check

11:59pm Property Check.

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