News, Politics, and Culture from 14843

Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Hornell Police Department report three days of work in the Maple City

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Traffic enforcement, multiple arrests, and dog control


12:09am     Property check.

12:13am     Property check.

12:18am     Subject fell on W. Genesee St. Refused treatment from HFD.

12:21am     Property check.

1:16am       Property check.

2:00am       Property check.

2:11am       Property check.

2:20am       Property check.

5:56am       Deer struck on Maple City Drive. Deer ran into woods.

8:56am       Traffic stop on Main St. UTT issued.

9:17am       Traffic stop on Armory Place. UTT issued.

9:48am       Traffic stop on State St. UTT issued.

10:54am     Traffic stop on W. Main St. Operator advised.

11:02am     Traffic stop on Pleasant St. UTT issued.

11:02am     Visitation issue. Subject advised to contact Family Court.

11:24am     Disabled vehicle on East Ave. Operator fixed same.

11:25am     Traffic stop in Hornell Plaza. UTT issued.

12:35pm     Suspicious person on Davenport St. Subject was a scrapper and advised to seek permission to be on others property.

1:33pm       Traffic stop on W. Main St. UTT issued.

1:57pm       Traffic stop in Hornell Plaza. UTT issued.

2:00pm       Dog barking on Oak St. Owner advised of the complaint.

2:33pm      Larceny complaint on Fulton St. Subject advised of options.

2:47pm      Motor vehicle complaint on Maple City Drive. Patrol advised.

2:50pm      Missing person from Hornell St. Subject returned to residence.

4:06pm      Warrant arrest on Broadway. Subject arrested for 2 counts of Petit Larceny and one count of       Criminal Contempt in the Second Degree.

7:44pm      Noise complaint on Greeley Ave. Parties advised of the complaint.

8:40pm      Disturbance on Monroe Ave. Subject advised of options.

9:34pm      Report of possible gunshots in the area of Oak St. Check of the area proved negative.

11:24pm    Garage door to building open on River St. Door was secured.

11:55pm    Parking ticket issued on W. Genesee St.

11:59pm    Property check.


12:25am      Property check.

12:32am      Property check.

12:44am      Traffic stop on State St. UTT issued.

1:04am        Property check.

1:06am        Property check.

1:16am        Property check.

1:28am        Property check.

1:42am        Property checks business district.

1:43am        Medical Emergency on Collier St. Assisted HFD.

3:21am         Disturbance on Sawyer St. Check of area was negative.

5:16am        Trespass complaint on Adsit St. Subject located. Prosecution declined.

5:37am        Criminal Summons served. Subject arrested for Trespass.

7:36am        Disturbance on Jane St. Subjects left residence upon request.

8:15am        School detail.

8:48am        Traffic stop on Maple City Drive. UTT issued.

9:15am        Traffic stop on W. Genesee St. UTT issued.

10:08am      5 UTT dismissals for Hornell City Court.

10:08am      Court paperwork delivered.

11:01am      Disturbance on Leach Ave. Resident declined police assistance.

11:17am      Traffic stop on Maple City Drive. Operator advised.

11:36am      Traffic stop on Maple City Drive. Operator advised.

12:52pm      Handicapped parking permit issued.

1:32pm        Assist citizen on Maple City Drive. Assistance rendered.

3:21am        Disturbance on Sawyer St. Check of area was negative.

3:45pm        Missing person on Genesee St. Subject returned.

4:15pm        Children haven’t been picked up from school on Allen St. Parent showed up and picked up children.

5:40pm        Motor vehicle accident on Wells St. Report denied.

6:34pm        Suspicious person on Main St. Subject left area prior to officers arrival.

6:45pm        Traffic stop on Maple City Drive. Operator advised.

7:15pm        Dismissed UTT for Hornell City Court.

8:13pm        Harassment on Greeley Ave. Subject advised of options.

8:14pm        Subject arrested on 2 Bench Warrants for Failure to Appear.

10:39pm      Disturbance Erie Ave. Subject spoken to.

11:45pm      Property check.


12:44am      Suspicious condition on Bank St. Everything appeared to be ok.

12:52am      Property check.

12:57am      Disturbance on Canisteo St. Subjects left area.

1:52am        Property check.

1:58am        Property check.

2:08am        Property check.

2:16am        Property check.

2:22am        Property check.

2:28am        Property check.

7:55am        Special assignment.

7:56am        Barking dog on Davenport St. Owner advised.

8:41am        School detail.

8:41am        Traffic stop on Maple City Drive. UTT issued.

9:10am        Traffic stop on East Ave. UTT issued.

10:42am      Handicapped parking permit issued.

10:54am      Traffic stop on Maple City Drive. UTT issued.

11:19am      Funeral Escort.

12:22pm     Traffic stop on Park Drive. UTT issued.

12:23pm     Harassment at Hornell Plaza. Subject advised to cease actions.

12:55pm     Court paperwork delivered.

12:55pm      Traffic stop on Maple City Drive. UTT issued.

1:23pm        Traffic stop on Elm St. UTT issued.

1:43pm        Traffic stop on Myrtle Ave. Operator advised.

1:50pm        Lost property complaint.

5:05pm        Disturbance on Monroe Ave. Subject taken to St. James.

4:03pm        Vehicle lockout on Grand St. Access gained.

4:51pm        Check welfare on Sawyer St. Subject was ok.

5:45pm        Dog barking on Armory Place. Dog brought inside.

5:57pm        Vehicle stuck on train tracks on Taylor St. Train traffic stopped while vehicle was removed.

6:19pm        Motor vehicle accident at Hornell Plaza. Accident report completed.

6:32pm        Check welfare of subject walking in roadway on Adsit St. Subject ok.

7:45pm        Intoxicated subject transported to St. James.

9:14pm       Medical emergency on Crosby St. Subject turned over to HFD.

9:36pm       Check welfare on East Main St. Subject ok.

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Water main break on Canisteo Street in the City of Hornell

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Chill Out and Reel In: Ice Fishing in the Finger Lakes

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