News, Politics, and Culture from 14843

Summerscape on Loon Lake By Tim McCarthy

Alfred Town Talk: Supervisor Dan Acton says farewell and passes the torch to Fion McCrea

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Also Saxon Fields Public Hearing, Board Vacancy

From Supervisor Dan Acton,

During the public hearing on Saxon Fields several community members voiced comments and concerns regarding the proposed expansion of the playing fields at the top of County Road 12, also known as Jericho Hill. Those comments and concerns centered around the water table, water runoff, sight mitigation, and noise. Engineering firm CPL represented the applicant Alfred University and responded that these issues were taken into consideration and will be of limited impact or mitigated to the extent possible. After hearing no opposition from the community, the board voted unanimously to issue a special use permit for the project.

We anticipate a vacancy on the town board as of January 2024 and the board will be looking to appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the 2024 year. If you are interested in serving on the board please contact the town clerk.

This is my last issue of Town Talk in that this month I will conclude ten years as supervisor. It has been my pleasure to work with many people who have made the town government successful. In appreciation I want to recognize them for all they have done.

Board members Fion McCrea, Matthew Snyder, Wendy Dailey, and Kenn Burdick.

Highway Superintendent Bob Halsey and crew member James O’Brien,

Town Justices Sandy Cameron and Wendy Bush,

Court Clerk Brittany Driesbach,

Assessor Bobbi Elderkin,

Code officer MACE,

Accountant BBS,

Town attorney Richard Buck,

Dog Control Officer Daphne Curran,

Custodian Larry Perkins.

Planning Board members Bill Dailey and Fred Sinclair,

Zoning Board of Appeals chair Freddy Fredrickson.

Most importantly I want to recognize Town Clerk Jan Burdick. No matter what issues come up she knows the background and the best way to deal with them. We can always count on her to be there and see that things run smoothly. The town could not function without her.

Also, best wishes to new Town Supervisor Fion McCrea and new board members Brad Burdick and Jesse Szalc. I know they will do a great job for the Town of Alfred.

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