The Arc Allegany-Steuben has extra space and flexible lease terms
Looking for commercial office space in the Bath, NY area?
Look no further and call 607-776-4146 x 2130 today! The Arc Allegany-Steuben has some extra commercial office space at its Bath facility they are looking to rent. This is an amazing opportunity for commercial space in a very high traffic, centralized location just minutes from downtown Bath (Industrial Park Road—behind Simmons-Rockwell dealerships).
Roughly 6,100 finished square feet on the 2nd floor of a newer office/flex park building, currently set up with nine large offices, two open cubicle areas with two ADA bathrooms, on-site parking and more. Common area and elevator for easy access. $18.00/SF annually, utilities, maintenance, and other amenities included. Flexible lease terms.