News, Politics, and Culture from 14843

Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Coming to Angelica March 2: “Raven steals the sun: Native American Eclipse Stories

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Haudenosaunee Story Teller Perry Ground will present for all ages

From the Angelica Free Library,

Perry Ground, a Turtle Clan member of the Onondaga Nation, will be bringing Native American eclipse stories to the library on Saturday, March 2nd at 4:00 PM. This Story-filled presentation will share the beliefs, traditions, and protocols of several Native American tribes related to the Sun and Eclipse events. Tribes across North America have stories to explain these solar events and view them in many different ways – as a signal or a transformation, as omens, as sacred, and as a celebration. From the Cherokee to the Navajo to the Inuit to the Haudenosaunee (and many other tribes), these traditional legends have been told for hundreds of years and continue to be important to Native American culture today. A brief understanding of each tribe’s location and environment will be shared in addition to the stories.

Storyteller Perry Ground will bring the stories to life through vivid descriptions, his rhythmic voice and a VERY active stage presence. These stories become ‘interactive’ as Perry is known to include audience members in the stories. Not just for children, all listeners (young and old), will find this presentation captivating, highly entertaining yet very educational

 Vist the Angelica Free Library on Facebook

55 W Main St, Angelica, NY, United States, New York 14709

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