A trip to Washington DC, monthly reporting, important training
It’s a beautiful day in Steuben County. It would appear that March has come in like a lamb this year! It has been a welcome change to see sunshine and warm temperatures again! If you see a member of our Corrections Division, please take time to thank them for their service. Our Steuben County Corrections Officers have been doing a herculean task in keeping our county safe! It is no secret that our number of jail employees, similar to most county jails in New York State, are way below normal. Your Steuben County Correction Officers continue to meet the public safety needs, in spite of continual overtime and increased New York State mandates, providing professional correctional services. They do an amazing job!
At the Sheriff’s Office, your public servants were busy again. Our Corrections Division was busy conducting a second Basic Course in Corrections for our full-time Officers. Captain Mills was recognized by the Steuben County Magistrates Association for his outstanding work with the Association and coordination of the Centralized Arraignment Court. Sheriff Allard attended the National Sheriff’s Association Conference in Washington DC and received briefings on the Border Crisis, Hamas attack of Israel, as well as Congressional initiatives by House Speaker Mike Johnson. Sheriff Allard also received instruction in officer wellness, professional policing culture and hiring and retention in troubled times. Undersheriff McNelis instructed at the NYS CPASS School Resource Officer training conference, and Deputy McCoy attended the conference. Members of the Bath Methodist Church delivered more “Bags of Hope” which are distributed to children in crisis. They delivered their 300th bag to our Office. A big thank you for their care and support! Undersheriff McNelis taught the NYS DHS Behavioral Threat Assessment Management training in Allegany County. Sheriff Allard delivered the Keynote Speaker message at the Hornell Republican Lincoln Day Dinner. The Course in Police Supervision hosted by the Sheriff’s Office finished in February with 100% completion.
February was another busy and challenging month in the Sheriff’s Office. Our investigators and deputies were tasked with five death investigations, seven assault investigations, one possession of a weapon investigation, seven burglary investigations, one unlawful imprisonment investigation, one self-inflicted gunshot wound investigation, two criminal contempt investigations, one stalking investigation, one obstructing governmental administration investigation, one prison contraband investigation, three endangering the welfare of a child investigations, three fire investigations, eight larceny investigations, ten grand larceny investigations, six harassment investigations, one welfare fraud investigation, four criminal mischief investigations, two narcotics investigation, one sexual misconduct investigation and one obstruction of breathing investigation. Our Patrol Division was tasked with multiple domestic incident investigations along with mental health detainments, emergency medical aid, assisting other agencies, serving of warrants, and three intoxicated or impaired driving arrests.
All of our deputies and officers performed in an outstanding fashion and we received two commendations from the public regarding their outstanding performance.
We continue to pray for our first responder colleagues and deployed military across the globe, as well as their families. We also pray for the victims of mass casualty events and state sponsored aggression.
Thank you for supporting the Steuben County Sheriff’s Office in these challenging times and stay safe!
Steuben County Sheriff Jim Allard