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Town of Hartsville tax assessments fall short, public hearing set for April 1

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Three options will be discussed in public meeting

From the Town of Hartsville Tax Assessor,

The last Reassessment was completed in 2019. 

A reassessment project was underway for 2024, but after adding 19% to the assessment roll, the Office of Real Property Tax Services advised that an additional 10% is needed in order to have the assessments reach 100%.  

The Town has 3 options at this point:  

1. Add the additional 10% to the residential properties (that is the area lacking the 10%)

2. Submit the new assessments with the 19% increase and only be at a possible 90% full value

3. Go back to the previous assessments and either postpone the project, or do not do anymore reassessment projects.

A public hearing to discuss the tax assessment reevaluation is planned on Monday April 1st 2024 at 6 pm at the town hall with a special meeting to follow.

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