News, Politics, and Culture from 14843

Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Column: You want to block out the Sun ?

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A discussion about “Chemtrails”

by Frederick Sinclair

World wide, organizations in over 50 countries joined by over 500 scientists and academics have called on the United Nations, governments and the public, to stop the experimentation, research and plans to deploy solar geoengineering.  (SG) This ‘new’ technology would block incoming sunlight by annually spraying millions of tons of aerosolized particulates into the stratosphere each year. Hundreds of specialized, high altitude airplanes would continuously seed nano sized reflective particles in cloud like layers that dim solar radiation and slow warming of the earth. This new push for ‘harmless’ experimentation to reduce global warming, under the title of solar geoengineering and solar radiation management (SRM),  is gaining momentum, with a small group of scientists from elite universities pushing for more research. It is being promoted and funded by government and private investment sources  intending to  incorporate such technologies as future climate policy. The full document, that has requested the halt of Solar Geoengineering and is asking for a UN sponsored Non-Use Agreement, is available at

Credible environmentalists, however,  have provided proof that geoengineered clouds have been artificially hazing our skies for decades. Specially equipped planes have sampled what have come to be called Chemtrails. Lab analysis  has revealed that these high altitude airplane releases contain reflective nano particles of aluminum, barium, strontium manganese and graphene. The resulting atmospheric condition (cloud) can then be manipulated by focused high energy electromagnetic frequencies broadcasted from the Department Of Defense(DOD) ; High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HARP) antenna arrays. The DOD has flately denied existence of climate modification projects and or Chemtrails for several decades. The recent attention to small scale harmless solar geoengineering research, as a solution to global warming, smells like a cover up of several decades of weather manipulation, testing and development  of  a DOD weapon system. For excellent and extensive documentation of this connection go to

Proponents of SG have cited the global climate emergency in media releases and dissemination of information that analysts are saying is misleading. Opponent counter points are:

  • SG will not benefit the planet or the poor and ignores the risks to vulnerable communities and public health in general..
  • could cause agricultural losses, food crisis and water insecurity.
  • might disrupt complex climate systems in unpredictable ways.
  • offers cheap alternatives for political and corporate actors by delaying other efforts and protecting profits from fossil fuel production.
  • a following of the money, reveals private SG and SRM companies will reap huge profits from the sale of carbon emission (cooling credits) to polluting industries, thus allowing delays in compliance with reduction of greenhouse gas mandates and extension of bottom line profit.

Reduction in the release of green house and ozone destroying gases, as well as myriad other harmful pollutants released to the air we breathe , is extremely important. We, however, as defenders of our environment, also need to be vigilant and apply critical thinking in the evaluation and guidance of measures taken, including understanding their environmental impacts and hidden agendas driving them. Next week we will begin ‘unpacking’ the United Nations Agenda 2030.

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