Angela Graves and Nora Wheeler Wilson photos also honored for excellence
By Andrew Harris
Images are our common language, even though they evoke different reactions. Our first photography contest ever, co-sponsored by our friends at Mystic Media Dot Com, was a big success. We recieved just over 100 photos, from dozens of artists, from all over the east coast. Every photo was art, was an effort to make other people feel and appreciate and reflect.
But lets get to the results. The Mystics at Mystic Media Dot Com, found this image by Donald Putnam to be striking, and powerful enough to evoke memories. Jim Moore, lead Mystic explained that is reminded him of his grandfather who never seemed at peace:
“One day when I was young, and he used to take us to stay on Consesus Lake, I got up early before anyone else and looked out the front porch windows and he was on the end of the deck in the fog fishing all by himself. It stays in my memory it’s probably the only time that I ever saw him feel like he was at peace. It’s always stuck with me.”
Congratulations Donald Putnam on the Best of Show $100 prize and on your keen eye for epic photos.
We also gave two other awards for this contest. We had hoped for an epic eclipse and for those in most of our readership, it was not epic. If you were anywhere east of Erie PA, you were lucky to get a glimpse. We chose this photo by Angela Graves because that is what represents most of our memory from this “once in a lifetime” event. It is nice to have that moment, with all its imperfections, represented here:
The Most Original is a photo that was very popular with our readers on Facebook. It is so imperfect, so impersonal, and also so intrusive into a way of life that is hard to understand for many. Like many great photos, it leaves you asking questions. Great capture Nora Wilson-Wheeler !!!
Thank you to all who entered. Thank you for caring about art!! Thousands have people have been interested in this showcase, in these snapshots of our common experience. We hope the contest was a pleasant distraction, a nice change of pace, and an encouragement to photographers to enter our next contest!! Thanks you to Mystic Media Dot Com for spearheading and sponsoring this showcase!!