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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Hibernian road bowling breaks records under perfect weather, view gallery

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82 teams compete, Mark Joyce and Shane Dunbar break their own record

The Ninth Annual Allegany County AOH-Ancient Order of Hibernians Irish Road Bowling Tournament had both a record turnout along with a new course record established by local veteran road bowlers Mark Joyce of Andover and Shane Dunbar of Wellsville.   Joyce and Dunbar broke their course record of 23 combined throws with a blistering Kilbane Course record of 20 combined throws to win the Men’s Open Championship for 2022.  “Mark and Shane started, continued and finished throwing long accurate “bullets” down the center of our 1.2 mile Kilbane Road course to win the Mens Open and establish the new overall course record-they bowled an excellent round” stated Brian Cannon, AOH Event Co-Chairman.

“Our June AOH Road Bowling Tournament this year tied the 2017 record with 82 teams and we had a fantastic turnout and support for bowlers and spectators on a beautiful spring Day in Allegany County, NY.  The luck of the Irish had the rain hold off until the last bowlers finished the course.  We had Bowlers travel to Andover from several States including PA, OH, NJ , MI, CT, AZ, MD as well as various corners of New York State” Cannon stated.  This is a true family event with social distancing and the competition was very close in all classes this year-The winning teams are as follows for the 2022 AOH Irish Road Bowling Tournament:

1-Men’s Open:  Shane Dunbar and Mark Joyce.  20 throws.

New Kilbane Road Course record. Previous record was 23 throws

2-Women’s Open:  Molly Weinman And Amanda Weinman 27 throws

(Won the tie breaker by 20’)

3-Senior  Division: Phyllis Lewis and Neil Kelly, 38 Throws

4- 16 and Under:  Cooper Brockway and Kavan O’Grady 25 Throws

(Won tie breaker by 64’)

5-Mixed Doubles: Bridget Daley and Mike Atkinson- Buffalo, NY,  25 Throws

(Won tiebreaker by 122’)

The local Allegany County AOH Division #1 wants to thank all the bowling teams and spectators that attended our tournament this year as our Division is already planning to make the event even better for our June 10, 2023 Tournament “ Stated AOH Division President Matthew Cannon.   “We also are working on our other major fundraiser coming up September 10, 2022 at our “Park in the park” AOH Car Show where we expect 230-260 cars this fall and hope to see everyone at our Island Park Fundraiser!  Our Fundraisers help support local charitable donations to local organizations like the Hart Comfort House, Wellsville Little league, Catholic Charities Joyce Family Food Pantry Serving Allegany County and the Immaculate Conception School and Immaculate Conception Church.

The event wasn’t all fun and games as Hibernians mourned Tom O’Grady ,our member Tim’s father, and member Keegans’ grandfather. Tom was our official Starter for many years at AOH Road Bowling and was an invaluable member of our Division! Tom passed away earlier this month and he will be great missed.

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