Key annual meeting is at 5:15pm in the District Office conference room
I. Motion to appoint Patrick Flaitz as Clerk Pro Tem
ll. Opening by the Clerk Pro Tem
IlI. Pledge of Allegiance
ROLL CALL: Kerry Davis, Jessica Hess, James Marino, Uzma Mehr, Meghann Khork,
Christopher Clark, Joseph Liberto
IV. Recommended Actions:
A. Reorganizational Meeting for the 2022-23 School Year:
1. Administration of Oath to new Board Members:
(Clerk to administer oath of office to newly elected Board Member, Kerry Davis
2. Election of Officers:
a. President of the Board
Recommended that the Board elect a President of the Board of Education.
(Clerk Pro Tem to administer oath to the newly elected President and turn over the meeting to the President)
b. Vice-President of the Board
Recommended that the Board elect a Vice-President of the Board of Education.
(President to administer oath to the newly elected Vice-President)
2. Appointment of Officers:
a. Clerk
Recommended that Carol Eaton be appointed Clerk of the Board.
(Clerk will be administered oath upon her return)
b. Treasurer
Recommended that Susan Brown be appointed Treasurer of the Board.
(President to administer oath to Treasurer)
c. Deputy Treasurer
Recommended that Carol Eaton be appointed as Deputy Treasurer of the Board (Deputy Treasurer will be administered oath upon her return)
d. Claims Auditor
Recommended that the Board appoint Mary Wolf as Claims Auditor, with an annual stipend of $4,000.
e. Deputy Claims Auditor
Recommended that the Board appoint Renay Shull as the Deputy Claims Auditor, at a rate of $16 per hour on an as needed basis.
f. Tax Collector
To be determined at a later date
3. Other Appointments:
a. School Attorney
Recommended that the Board approve the appointment of Hodgson Russ LLP as the school attorney at the rates established in the RFP.
Further recommended that the Board approve John Dagon to provide legal services on an as-needed basis.
b. Bond Counsel
Recommended that the Board approve Timothy R. McGill, Esq. as bond counsel.
c. Internal Audit Function
Recommended that the Board approve the resolution to cross-contract with Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga BOCES in accordance with Section 170.12 of the Commissioner’s Regulations.
d. Audit Committee
Recommended that the Board establish an Audit Committee, consisting of
Kerry Davis, Jessica Hess, James Marino, Uzma Mehr, Meghann Khork, Christopher Clark and Joseph Liberto.
e. School Physician
Resolved, that upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve Stony Brook Pediatrics as the school physician for the period July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 at a fee of $1 .
f. Other Annual Appointments:
Recommended that the Board approve the following appointments (C denotes compensated ):
- Attendance Officer – Patrick Flaitz
- Architect – Hunt Engineers, Architects & LaBella Associates- C
- Broker of Record – Lawley Insurance – C
- Chemical Safety Officer – Shannon Davis
- Chief Information Officer – Colby Moore – C
- Chief Faculty Counselor – Morgan Allison
- Construction Manager – Welliver McGuire, Inc. – C
- District Copyright Officer – Patrick Flaitz
- Emergency Disaster Coordinator – Patrick Flaitz
- Financial Advisor – Bernard Donegan – C
- Head Building Maintenance Mechanics – Shannon Davis and Mitchell Weaver – C
- Health & Safety Committee – Safety Committee, others to be determined
- Homeless Liaison – Jennifer Sorochin
- LEA Designee (Asbestos) — Shannon Davis
- Official District representative to the GST BOCES Worker’s Compensation consortium – Patrick Flaitz. In his absence, Jeremy Palotti will serve as the official District representative for any plan business requiring a vote.
- Official District representative to the Steuben Area Schools Health Insurance Plan – Jeremy Palotti. In his absence, Patrick Flaitz will serve as the official District representative for any plan business requiring a vote.
- Records Access Officer
–Carol Eaton
- Records Retention Officer – Patrick Flaitz
- Records Management Advisory Committee –Patrick Flaitz, Carol Eaton, Amy Feeley, and others to be determined
- Representative for Public Law 874 – Patrick Flaitz
- Representative for Title IX – Juliana Smith
- Representative for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act – Amy Feeley
- Safety Committee – Patrick Flaitz, Shannon Davis, BOE, Building Administrators, Parent & Union representatives to be determined
- Student Activity Accounts Central Treasurer – Diane Bakerink
- Student Activity Accounts Assistant Treasurer – Jennifer Bixby
- DASA Coordinator – Nancy Shedlock
- Administrative Staff as Lead Evaluators / APPR Plan:
Morgan Allison
John Cardamone
Amy Feeley
Sean Gaffney
Ted Illi
Jeremy Palotti
Lisa Sanford
Erica Siebert
Juliana Smith
Jennifer Sorochin
4. Designations:
a. Official Bank Depository
Recommended that the Board approve Community Bank, Five Star Bank, Chase as the official bank depositories
b. Regular Monthly Meetings
Recommended that, the Board approve the following dates for Board of Education meetings for the 2022-23 school year. (all meetings will begin at 5:15 PM and will be held in the High School Library,134 Seneca Street, unless otherwise noted)
Wed., July 6, 2022 (Reorg)
Wed., July 27,2022
Wed., August 24, 2022
Wed., September 7, 2022
Wed., October 5, 2022
Wed., November 2, 2022
Wed., December 7, 2022
Wed., January 4, 2023
Wed., February 1, 2023
Wed., March 6, 2023 (Budget Workshop if needed)
Wed., March 29, 2023
Wed., April 19, 2023 (Regular Meeting & GST Budget)
Tues., May 2, 2023 (public hearing on budget at 6:00 PM / meeting at immediately following)
Tues., May 16, 2023 (HS Cafeteria @ 9:30 PM – Budget Vote/Election)
Wed., June 14, 2023
c. Official Newspaper
Recommended that the Board approve The Evening Tribune as the official newspaper.
d. School Holidays
Recommended that the Board approve the following school holidays (unless otherwise negotiated):
July 4, 2022 (4th of July)
September 5, 2022 (Labor Day)
October 10, 2022 (Columbus Day)
November 11, 2022 (Veteran’s Day)
November 24 & 25, 2022 (Thanksgiving & day after)
December 26, 2022 (Christmas)
January 2, 2023 (New Year’s Day)
January 16, 2023 (Martin Luther King Day)
February 20, 2023 (Presidents’ Day)
April 7, 2023 (Good Friday)
May 29, 2023 (Memorial Day)
June 19, 2023 (Juneteenth)
5. Authorizations:
a. Certification of Payrolls
Recommended that the Board authorize the School Business Official to certify payrolls.
b. Purchasing Agent
Recommended that the Board authorize the School Business Official to act as purchasing agent and the Superintendent will act as Deputy Purchasing Agent.
c. Bid Openings
Recommended that the Board authorize the Purchasing Agent to open all bids.
d. Staff and Board Member Attendance at Conferences, Conventions and Workshops
Recommended that the Board authorize the Superintendent or designee to approve all in state conference attendance and expenses. Board is to be notified in advance of attendance at any conference, convention and workshop that is out of state and that is of more than three days in duration.
e. Appointment Authorization
Recommended that the Board authorize Superintendent Palotti to approve appointments of certified staff and classified staff until Board Action is taken at the next meeting.
f. Applications for Grants
Recommended that the Board authorize the Superintendent or designee to apply
for grants.
g. Signature on Legal Documents
Recommended that the Board authorize the Superintendent, Board President, Purchasing Agent and/or Clerk to sign legal documents which have been previously approved by the Board of Education.
h. Establishment of Petty Cash Funds
Recommended that the Board establish Petty Cash Funds in the amounts and
with custodians so designated:
District Office $100 Susan Brown
High School Office 100 Morgan Allison
Curriculum Office 100 Theodore Illi
Athletic Dept:
Admission Cash Box 1 100 John Cardamone
Admission Cash Box 2 100 Jennifer Bixby
Admission Cash Box 3 100 Victoria Plank
Intermediate School 100 Julie Smith
N. Hornell School 100 Sean Gaffney
Food Service 100 Tracie McCarthy
Food Service 50 Wildwood – Tiffany Donovan
Food Service 25 Intermediate – Tiffany Donovan
Food Service 25 N. Hornell – Tiffany Donovan
Home Economics 100 Lynn (Wendy) Pollinger
Maintenance Dept. 100 Shannon Davis
Pupil Personnel 100 Amy Feeley
i. Designation of Authorized Signature on Checks Including Use of Facsimile Signature
Recommended that the Board approve the signature (including facsimile) of Susan Brown (Treasurer) and Carol Eaton (Deputy Treasurer) on checks.
j. Approval of Budget Transfers
Recommended that the Board authorize the Superintendent of Schools to
approve budget transfers in accordance with Board of Education policy #5330 for the 2022-23 school year.
k. GST BOCES Budget Adjustments
Recommended that the Board authorize the Superintendent to amend or approve cooperative service changes provided for in the 2022-23 GST BOCES contract.
l. Credit Cards and Cell Phone List
Recommended that the Board approve the list of credit cards and cell phones for district use.
m. Execution of Contracts
Recommended that the Board authorize the Superintendent to execute contracts on their behalf.
6. Other Items:
a. Bonding of Personnel
Recommended that the Board approve bonding of school district personnel as follows:
Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer $1,075,000
Tax Collector 500,000
Central Treasurer 150,000
All other personnel 100,000
b. Mileage Reimbursement Rate
Recommended that the mileage reimbursement rate for the 2022-23 school year be the same as the IRS mileage rate, unless otherwise negotiated.
c. Custodial Rate
Recommended that the custodial rate charged to organizations using our facilities be established at $36.00 per hour for the 2022-23 school year (with a minimum charge of $72.00.
d. Rate Schedule
Recommended that the Board approve the rate schedule for miscellaneous duties for the 2022-2023 school year.
e. Memberships
Recommended that the Board approve the District’s membership in the following organizations:
Greater Southern Tier School Boards Association
New York State Association of Small City School Districts
New York State School Boards Association
f. Legal Indemnification
It is resolved that the Board does and hereby approves legal indemnification of Board Members, Officers, the District Superintendent and School Administrators against all uninsured financial or property loss arising out of any proceeding, claim, demand, suit, tort, arbitration or judgment by reason of alleged negligence or other conduct resulting in bodily or other injury to any person or damage to the property of any person committed while Board Member, Officer, District Superintendent, School Administrator is acting within the scope of his/her employment or at the discretion of the Board of Education for fiscal year 2022-23; and further, to hold her/him harmless therefrom.
g. Committee on Special Education members for 2022-23
Resolved, that upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the following members of the Committee on Special Education for the 2022-23 school year:
Chairperson Amy Feeley, Amber Kossow, Jennifer Sorochin,
John Cardamone
Alternate Chairperson(s) Special Education Teacher, Reading Specialist or School Psychologist present at the meeting
Psychologist(s) Nancy Shedlock & Katherine Henderson Clark
Alternating Parent(s) Pamela Aini, Jennifer Kellogg, Abigail McKee
Physician Stony Brook Pediatrics, School Physician
Classroom Teachers, Guidance Counselors and Related Services Staff
Further resolved, that the CSE/CPSE Chair make the decision when there is no consensus at a CSE/CPSE meeting.
h. Committee on Preschool Special Education members for 2022-23
Resolved, that upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the following members of the Committee on Preschool Special Education for the 2022-23 school year:
Chairperson Amy Feeley, Amber Kossow, Jennifer Sorochin, John Cardamone
Alternate Chairperson(s) Special Education Teacher, Reading Specialist or School Psychologist present at the meeting
Psychologist(s) Nancy Shedlock & Katherine Henderson Clark
Alternating Parent(s) Pamela Aini, Jennifer Kellogg, Abigal McKee
Physician Stony Brook Pediatrics, School Physician
Classroom Teacher and Related Services Staff
Further resolved, that the CSE/CPSE Chair make the decision when there is no consensus at a CSE/CPSE meeting.
i. Subcommittees for Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education
Recommended that the Board approve subcommittees for the CSE and CPSE consisting of the following:
- Parent of student
- General education teacher of student whenever student is or may be
participating in the general education environment
- Student’s special education teacher
- Representative of the School District who is qualified to provide
special education and is knowledgeable about the general education
curriculum and the resources of the School District (can be the
special education teacher)
- School psychologist whenever a new psychological evaluation is
reviewed or a change to a program option with a more intensive student/teacher ratio is considered
- An individual who can interpret the instructional implications of
evaluation results (can be one of the people listed above)
- Other people having knowledge or special expertise regarding the
- Parent representative for all CPSE meetings and when requested by a parent for a CPSE meeting
j. Surrogate Parent for CSE/CPSE
Recommended that the Board approve Mrs. Kathy Labarron-Roberts,
12 Maplewood Avenue, to serve as the surrogate parent for the Committee on Special Education/Committee on Preschool Special Education for the 2022-23 school year.
k. Impartial Hearing Officers for 2022-23
Recommended that the Board approve the list of impartial hearing officers designated for Steuben County for the 2022-23 school year, as provided by the State Education Department.
WHEREAS, the Board of Education seeks to authorize certain individuals to appoint an Impartial Hearing Officer if the Board does not have a regular meeting scheduled on a day when an appointment needs to be made. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Education hereby authorizes the Board President or Vice-President to appoint an Impartial Hearing Officer when the Board does not have a regular meeting scheduled on a day when an appointment of an impartial hearing officer needs to be made.
l. Re-adoption of Policies
Recommended that the Board readopt all policies in the official policy book kept by the District Clerk, including the code of ethics and code of conduct.
m. Standard Work Day
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board
approve the 2022-23 Standard Work Day by Title Designations.
- Agenda
- Revisions
- Approval
- Public Comment
- Recommended Actions
A. Presentations:
1. None
B. Reports:
1. None
C. Consent Agenda / Routine
Moved by ___________________, seconded by ___________________to act upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti to approve the following Consent Agenda items 1 and 2:
1. Approve the minutes of the Board of Education Meeting of June 15, 2022.
2. Resolved that the Board has no objections to the recommendations of the
Committee on Special Education and approves the authorization of funds
to implement the special education programs and services consistent with such
recommendations for the meetings of June 15, 2022, the CPSE meetings of June 15 and 22, 2022 and the 504 meeting of June 15, 2022.
AYE _________ NAY_______ ABSTAINED__________________________________
D. New Business
1. Policy/Procedure
a. North Hornell Library Book Disposal
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board
authorize Patrick Flaitz to dispose of the North Hornell Library Books on the list dated
June 22, 2022.
b. Textbook Disposal
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board
authorize Patrick Flaitz to dispose of the following textbooks:
Glencoe World History: NY Edition
ISBN: 978-0-07-879218-2
212 copies
2. Finance
a. Bernard P. Donegan, Inc – Proposed Service Agreement
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the proposed service agreement for Capital Projects and other financial matters.
b. Independent Service Contract – Melissa Hooker
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the Independent Service Contract with Melissa Hooker to provide AIS and and tutoring instruction at St. Ann’s Academy beginning July 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022.
c. Independent Service Contract – Jennifer Dworak
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board approve the Independent Service Contract with Jennifer Dworak to provide tutoring instruction at St. Ann’s Academy beginning July 1, 2022 through August 31, 2022.
d. GST BOCES Resolution – AS-7
Resolved that, upon the recommendation of Superintendent Palotti, the Board
approve the GST BOCES Resolution and 2022/23 AS-7.
3. Personnel
There are numerous personnel items on the agenda
The Career Development Council provided their “Year End” reports and letter (in shared folder).
The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at
5:15 PM in the High School Library located at 134 Seneca Street, Hornell, NY.