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Business professor featured on local news channel

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Professor Matthew Burr appears on WENY

Alfred State College adjunct business professor Matthew Burr was recently a guest on WENY’s morning show. Burr joined the show to discuss student debt forgiveness.

Burr, owner of Burr Consulting, is the author of two books “Slay the Student Loan Dragon: Tips and Tricks on How to Conquer the Student Loan Game” and “$74,000 in 24 Months: How I killed my student loans (and you can too!).”

“The problem we’ve seen in the last 20 years or so is the layers of paperwork, or people applying for the program when it would be the wrong one and having to restart. The changes proposed are going to help streamline that process, make sure people get approved and make it easier for people in these nonprofits to get their loans wiped out if they do meet the 10-year minimum payment.”

Check out the full interview here.

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