Joe Sempolinski, the Congressman-Elect for the 23rd Congressional District of New York will be sworn into office the evening of the 13th of September.
“I am looking forward to hitting the ground running for the people of the district” Sempolinski stated. ”My entire team will be spending the time between now and the 13th doing everything we can to be ready to go after the swearing in is completed. We will be working to get constituent services and legislative functions back up and running as quickly as possible.”
Mr. Sempolinski’s swearing in will take place in the House chamber at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. He will be sworn in alongside the victors in the 19th District of New York Special Election and the Alaska at-large Special Election. The 13th of September is the swearing in day because it is the next day that the House is scheduled to be in session. As further details are available, they will be made available to the press and public.