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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Alfred State Culinary Arts to host Oktoberfest five-course dinner in Wellsville October 13

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          ALFRED, NY, September 28, 2022 – The Culinary Arts department will host a sit down five-course Oktoberfest dinner on Oct. 13 at Alfred State’s Wellsville campus. The dinner is $25 each and the proceeds will benefit Culinary Arts scholarships.

The dinner will include:

·         Appetizer: Zwiebelkuchen served with Bratwurst and Sauerkraut

·         Soup: Sauerkrautsuppe

·         Salad: German Potato Beet Salad

·         Entrée: Pork Schnitzel with German Fried Potatoes and Sauteed Asparagus OR Sauerbraten with Spaetzle and Braised Red Cabbage

·         Dessert: Schwarzwalder Kirsch Torte (Black Forest Cake) OR Gedeckter Apfel Kuchen (Apple Cake)

Limited seating is available, and reservations are required. For reservations call 607-587-3170 or 607-587-3175.

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