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NYS Education Department will enforce ban on Native American mascots in 2023, read full memo

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The “Dignity Act” has been upheld in court, all Native American mascots must be retired after this year

By Andrew Harris

After years of uncertainty, New York State has officially notified all public schools that use Native American mascots like, the “Indians,” or “Chiefs,” or “Redskins,” must end the practice this year.

Any district who does not retire a qualifying mascot before the 2023-24 school year begins will be in open non-compliance. According to the state that means potential trouble for school officials and taxpayers who refuse:

“Penalties for such a violation include removal of school officers and the withholding of State Aid”

Read more on the Dignity Act.

Hornell Sun readers recently responded to a poll about the question posted to the Canisteo-Greenwood School District(Redskins,) the voting is closed now:

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