News, Politics, and Culture from 14843

Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Hornell Police detail three days of “protect and serve”

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Read the departments daily log from July 11-13


12:22am  Property Check.

12:28am  Property Check.

12:32am  Property Check.

12:35am  Hornell Plaza Field Interview Report.

12:37am  Park Drive. Field Interview Report.

12:50am  Property Check.

12:59am  Property Check.

1:05am    Property Check.

2:55am    2am-6am Parking tickets.

6:46am    Headquarters. UTT dismissal form completed.

7:13am    River St. Trespass. Subject sleeping in hallway of building, left on foot. Check of area proved negative.

8:36am    Hornell Plaza. Request officers make contact with an employee and advise subject to stay off business property. Message relayed.

8:53am   Shawmut Park. Animal Complaint. Dog off leash. Owner and dog were gone upon officer’s arrival.

9:29am   Check Welfare. S. Division St. Turned over to Child Protective Services.

10:00am Maple City Drive. Animal Complaint. Dog loose on Maple City Drive. Dog turned over to owner.

10:20am Hornell High School. Suspicious Condition. Backpack found at school entrance. Bag was checked and turned over to the school.

12:09pm Headquarters. Handicapped parking ticket issued.

12:53pm Hornell Public Library. K-9 Team Officer Blanchard and Snitch reading to kids at the Summer Reading program.

1:21pm   Adsit St. Disturbance. Report of subject with gun to head. Officers checked area and spoke with residents. Determined to be unfounded.

2:35pm  Erie Ave. Disabled motor vehicle. Vehicle moved out of street.

3:15pm  Stephens St. Medical Emergency. Subject taken to St. James Hospital.

4:21pm  Headquarters. UTT dismissal form completed.

4:56pm  Church St. Traffic Stop. 1 UTT issued.

5:04pm  Washington St. Trespass. Subject left the property per request.

5:11pm  Headquarters. Handicapped parking permit issued.

5:17pm  Thacher St. Traffic Stop. 3 UTT’s issued.

5:49pm  Cedar St. Alarm. Alarm was accidental.

5:58pm  Maple City Drive. Suspicious vehicle driving erratically. Units advised to be on the lookout.

6:04pm  North Main St. Parking Complaint. Parking ticket issued.

7:19pm  East Main St. Disturbance. Parties spoken to.

8:05pm  Hakes Ave. Parking Complaint. Vehicle moved upon request.

8:21pm  Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. 1 UTT issued.

8:41pm  Seneca St. Disturbance. Subject called 911 reporting persons with guns. Subject arrested for Falsely Reporting an Incident.

9:48pm  Pine St. Larceny. Investigation opened.

10:55pm Greeley Ave. Check Welfare. Subject found to be ok.

11:26pm Hill St. Mental Health Complaint. Subject transported to St. James Hospital.


1:39am  Property Check.

1:40am  Property Check.

1:56am  Taylor St. Noise Complaint. Unable to make contact with resident making the noise.

3:25am  Property Check.

3:27am  Property Check.

3:37am  2am-6am Parking tickets.

3:37am  Hornell Plaza. Suspicious person. Subject going through dumpster. Subject claimed to have permission.

3:39am  Property Check.

3:48am  Property Check.

3:55am  Property Check.

4:03am  Property Check.

9:49am  Seneca St. Warrant arrest. Failed to Appear and Criminal Contempt 1st.

10:00am Headquarters. Background check for Hornell Housing Authority.

10:40am Seneca St. Trespass. Subject left upon request.

11:26am Maple City Drive. Traffic light malfunction. NYSDOT notified.

11:27am 5 Subpoenas served.

12:58pm City Lot 4. Suspicious persons. Group gathered possibly using drugs. Group left the area.

1:23pm   Headquarters. Issued handicapped parking permit.

1:28pm   Park Dr. Found Property. Found baggie of pills. Property placed into evidence room for destruction.

1:45pm   Sex Offender Registry check completed.

1:49pm   Prindle Ave. Disturbance. Both parties advised of their rights.

2:55pm   Headquarters. UTT dismissal form completed.

2:56pm  Headquarters. Handicapped parking permit issued.

3:17pm  Hornell St. Suspicious Condition. Possible drugs in garbage. No illegal substances were found.

3:28pm  Hornell Plaza. Animal Complaint. Dog in vehicle. Officer reports windows are down and dog is ok.

4:31pm Platt St. Domestic Incident. Arrest made for Criminal Obstruction of Breathing.

4:22pm West St. Traffic Stop. 2 UTT’s issued.

6:20pm River St. Traffic Stop. 1 UTT issued.

6:52pm Davenport St. Disturbance. Both parties advised of their rights.

7:05pm Cedar St. Death Investigation.

7:28pm Assist other agency. Patient left St. James with IV in arm. Officers advised to be on the lookout.

8:57pm Hartshorn St. Missing Juvenile. Officers located juvenile and returned him back to parents.

9:16pm Headquarters. Mental Health Complaint. Officers transported subject to St. James for an evaluation.

9:27pm Wood St. Traffic Stop. 1 UTT issued.

10:12pm Property Check.


12:30am  Property Check.

12:42am  Property Check.

12:45am  Property Check.

12:50am  Property Check.

1:27am    Property Check.

1:35am    Property Check.

1:39am    Canisteo St. Disturbance. Both parties advised of their rights.

1:41am    Property Check.

2:07am    2am-6am parking tickets.

5:04am    Park Drive. Disturbance. Subjects in a vehicle yelling at caller. Subjects sent on their way.

8:31am    Greeley Ave. Missing Juvenile. Located at school.

9:15am    Sheldon St. Civil  Issue. Parties advised of their rights.

10:05am  Headquarters. UTT dismissal form completed.

10:57am  Greeley Ave. Check Welfare. Subject located and is ok.

11:15am  Platt St. Assist Citizen. Officers stood by as property was retrieved.

11:35am  Cass St. Open shed at a building. Referred to Code Enforcement.

11:42am  East Main St. Warrant Arrest. Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 3rd, Criminal Sale of a Controlled Substance 3rd. Further charged with Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 3rd, Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 7th, and Criminally Using Drug Paraphernalia 2nd.

12:43pm  Main St. Motor Vehicle Accident. Accident report completed.

1:33pm    Crosby St. Check Welfare. Child possibly home alone. Officers spoke with mother who was home with child.

2:01pm    Headquarters. Background Check for Peddler’s permit.

2:21pm    Spruce St. Larceny. Package stolen from mailbox. Larceny investigation opened.

2:28pm   Bennett Parkway. Unwanted person. Parties advised of their rights.

2:30pm   Pearl St. Residence Lockout. Officer gained access for resident.

3:57pm   Headquarters. Handicapped parking permit issued.

4:27pm   John St. Traffic Stop. 3 UTT’s issued.

4:30pm   Jane St. Motor Vehicle Accident/Hit and Run. Investigation opened.

5:07pm   Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

5:28pm   City Lot 3. Traffic Stop. 5 UTT’s Issued.

6:16pm   Rockwell St. Disturbance. Unwanted subject at house. Subject left upon request.

6:19pm   East Ave. Vehicle Lockout. Officer gained access for owner.

6:24pm   Ransom St. Motor Vehicle Accident. Accident report completed.

6:56pm   Sunset Dr. Animal Complaint. Bears got into garbage. Bears returned to woods.

7:14pm   Hornell Plaza. Lost Property. Subject lost glasses possibly at Walmart.

7:53pm   Headquarters. Sex Offender Registry address change form completed.

7:58pm   Maple St. Patrol Request. Kids getting on the roof of building. Request frequent patrols.

8:10pm   Canisteo St. Traffic Stop. 1 UTT issued.

8:15pm   Tobes Hill. Animal Complaint. Bear on Tobes Hill Road. Went back into woods.

10:22pm  Property Check.

10:22pm  Hornell Plaza. Vehicle Lockout. Officer gained access for owner.

10:22pm  Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. 2 UTT’s issued.

11:28pm  Jane St. Domestic Incident. Unfounded.

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