From the City of Hornell,
The City of Hornell would like to remind all City residents that putting leaves, grass, or snow in the road is illegal. Residents are encouraged to keep areas clean from debris to allow for effective drainage.
The City of Hornell can pick up bagged leaves. Please place bagged leaves at curbside for pick-up. City residents can also bring their leaves to the Yard Waste Facility located off from Park Drive.
§ 267-1
Deposits on streets and sidewalks
A. Deposit generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, throw, deposit or leave in any public street, sidewalk, highway, alley, park or place in the city any stones, bricks, sand, building material, leaves, grass, ashes, rubbish, bottles, glass or any refuse matter of any nature whatsoever without the written consent of the Superintendent of Public Works.