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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Nancy is no longer homeless, Bingo is one step from a great farm family

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Two successful dog stories thanks to our readers, LOTS of homeless animals need a family

By Andrew Harris

Great news for all those who have inquired and wondering about the fate of Nancy and Bingo. These two homeless dogs have made big news in the Wellsville area, and sounded the alarm about a crisis underway. More about that later in this report.

Nancy has found a great home!!

The young female husky-mix who was already overdue at the dog pound, recieved amazing support. Dozens of potential adoptive homes responded and Nancy was adopted to a fine home very quickly. The humans who have accepted her into the family have nothing but a happy report:

“Nancy is super sweet, and is getting along great with her other animals. Shes doing very well and on her way to a beautiful life.”

The local dog control officers(DCO’s) were elated at the response and interest in saving her life. The last thing that any dog control officer wants to do is euthanize making this is a big win.

Update on “Bingo,” dumped last month in Wellsville

As the DCO’s celebrated the save, they are still working on a dog we reported on a few weeks ago, “Bingo.” This dog, dumped near a farm in the town of Wellsville, has not been adopted yet. It hasn’t been for a lack of trying, as Bingo is a difficult case, requiring a homestead setting rather than a “doggy door” life.

Today the Wellsville DCO has reported that a live trap has been set in order to get Bingo out of danger and to a home all ready for him! Bingo has been traveling to other local farms and using county roads without much fear of being hit by a car. Once he is secure, his temporary caretaker has a great new home ready for him.

Just today a local caretaker met with the new owners who committed to taking him. They own a farm with lots of experience and good canine company. They have agreed to take Bingo, provide him proper veterinary care, and a nice life…”out to pasture.”

Hopefully there will be more reporting on Bingo once he gets situtated in his new home!!

The response to Nancy was heartwarming, but in a way, frustrating. Acting to save a dog from an early death is a natural reaction for many of us. But it seems that the many good-hearted folks who stepped up to help Nancy and Bingo should be calling the SPCA or Humane Society today. Dogs and cats are being euthanized every day, just not at those “no-kill” shelters.

The pets being euthanized are the ones that the SPCA or Humane Society can’t accept because those shelters are FULL. If you find a homeless animal don’t expect these shelters to be able to take the animal in as they have are both operating at above capacity.

The only real hope for the constant stream of homeless pets is to free up space in the wonderful shelters we have serving our communities. When you adopt a dog or cat from those shelters it saves two lives!!

Your newly adopted companion is the first life saved, and now the SPCA or HSUS can accept a new animal into their “no-kill” shelter.

Adopting from a local shelter has twice the impact of adopting from a dog control officer “euth list.” You may not see the eyes of the dog or cat you spared, but the life is saved nonetheless.

IF you asked about Nancy or Bingo——thank you for caring. Now please contact your closest shelter, bring an animal home for the holidays and free up space for the next homeless soul.

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