Reducing death, improving traffic flow, and reducing pollution
Dear Editor:
On Tuesday, April 30, I attended the New York State Department of Transportation’s presentation on proposed changes to the Route 36 Hornell Gateway Corridor Project. Several audience members voiced opposition to the potential roundabout at Webbs Crossing Road. However, I support a roundabout at this dangerous intersection for three reasons:
Firstly, roundabouts have been proven to reduce fatal accidents. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), roundabouts reduced fatal crashes by 90% and crashes with injuries by 76%. This is because vehicles move in the same direction at lower speeds, reducing the likelihood of head-on or high-speed collisions.
Secondly, roundabouts improve traffic flow. Unlike traditional intersections, roundabouts do not require drivers to wait for a green light before proceeding. This continuous flow of traffic can reduce congestion and improve travel times, particularly during peak hours.
Lastly, roundabouts are environmentally friendly. The stop-and-go nature of traditional intersections leads to increased fuel consumption and emissions. In contrast, the smooth traffic flow in roundabouts results in less idling, which reduces vehicle emissions and improves air quality.
It is true that roundabouts—especially two-lane roundabouts—can be a bit confusing for drivers unfamiliar with them. However, with proper education and signage, this issue can be mitigated.
Research shows that public opinion toward roundabouts improves dramatically as drivers become used to them and experience their benefits. So, I encourage my fellow citizens to keep an open mind to this solution.
John Clinton Bradley, Hornell