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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

COLUMN: Now is the fulcrum between the past and future

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Looking back at the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr.

A OPINION By Frederick Sinclair

Friday, the 22nd of November, marked 61 years since then President John F Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated during a motorcade in Dallas Texas. For six decades the official U.S. Warren Commission conclusion has been that it was the work of a lone gunman, whose name, Lee Harvey Oswald, is indelibly written in the annals as the only cause of this American tragedy. The theories of other shooters from the infamous ‘grassy knoll’ and myriad attempts at exposing those responsible for the murder of JFK have festered in the dark shadows of secrecy; until recently that is. Eight days before his death, Chauncey Holt, lifelong Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) agent, assigned to the Clandestine Operations Division, gave proof, credible photos and documents compiled in a documentary that depicts his lifetime of CIA and Mob joint operations. Holt was relied on `for weapons, fake identities and false credentials. The riveting and revealing documentary that speaks for itself with names and specifics can be seen at This documentary and other whistleblowers, coming clean, many on their death beds and after fear of reprisals has faded, offer proof of a collaboration of CIA Black Operations, Mob, assassins and government forces that orchestrated that world changing coup d’état.

JFK was a strong and committed proponent of change. Change that would end the war in Vietnam, stabilize and take control of U.S. currency, put a stop to clandestine and unauthorized black operations, pierce the veil of secrecy, and reveal the technological advances being withheld from the public good. These and other JFK presidential goals were not in the interests of secret agendas and powerful cartels. Six decades later these remain as unsolved national issues and join an expanded list of modern conundrums that our society simply cannot continue to ignore or turn a blind eye to. The recent assassination attempt on a presidential candidate, again attributed to a lone gunman, indicates the need for extreme vigilance in the protection of agents of change, from behind the scenes secretive and ruthless forces that historically strike out like cornered animals.

How are we to resolve issues that have plagued our nation for more than half a century, in addition to myriad modern day challenges? What is the common denominator that can solve our nation’s problems and in effect those of many others. The solutions lie within us, and a robust application of guidance in governance and personal freedoms that was framed by the founding fathers a quarter century ago. The Constitution has a timeless quality that even in these modern times is capable of setting a balanced course. However, failures come from human factors in maintaining that course in management and in the presence of capitalism on steroids. Freedom and justice continue to be co-opted by corruption and totalitarianism. Leaders and a public of great resiliency and resolve are needed to lead America into a future of peace, prosperity, and healing of ourselves, our society and the environment. Pollution threatens to permeate all aspects of our existence. The tasks before us are formidable but leaders are emerging and we need only to apply the creativity, scientific know how, technologies and resources in ways that will bring forth an evolved humanity.   The fulcrum, of what has happened in the past and what will happen in the future is now. Now is the moment we must dig deep into our hearts and spirit and let revealed truth and knowledge guide us. In the words of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy; “The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society.”
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