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Hornell Police reports for July 26 & 27

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Read the details of incidents and police work in the Maple City


12:24am   Main St. Check Welfare. Subject left area.

12:32am   Property Check.

12:33am   Elm St. Motor Vehicle Complaint. Unable to locate.

12:54am   Property Check.

1:09am     Hakes Ave. Noise Complaint. Subject advised of the complaint.

1:21am     Property Check.

1:45am     Property Check.

2:27am     2a-6a parking tickets.

2:29am     Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

2:36am      Property Check.

2:52am      Mill St. Assist Citizen. Assistance rendered.

3:03am      Property Check.

3:22am      Property Check.

6:18am      Main St. Alarm. Alarm was false.

8:19am      Adsit St. Disturbance. Subject advised of rights.

9:31am      Maple City Drive. Assist Citizen. Assistance rendered.

10:31am    Vincent St. Parking Complaint. Vehicle moved.

10:50am    Headquarters. Handicapped parking permit issued.

10:59am    West Main St. Traffic Stop. 2 UTTs issued.

11:21am    Ransom St. Suspicious condition. Frequent patrols initiated.

11:53am    Headquarters. UTT dismissal form completed.

12:00pm    Canisteo St. Motor Vehicle Accident. UTT issued and report filed.

12:04pm  Seneca St. DPW Notify. Tree down.

1:27pm    Fulton St. Check Welfare. Subject ok.

1:30pm    Elizabeth St. Check Welfare. Subject ok.

2:21pm    Genesee St. Assist Citizen. Assistance rendered.

4:08pm    Bemis Ave. Neighbor Dispute. Subject advised of rights.

5:03pm    Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. UTT issued.

6:11pm    West Main St. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

6:30pm    E. Washington St. Disturbance. Subjects advised of the complaint.

7:04pm    Hakes Ave. Suspicious Condition. Subjects advised of complaint.

7:39pm    Thacher St. Ext. Disturbance. Subjects advised of their rights.

7:47pm    West Main St. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

8:05pm    Armory Place. Animal Complaint. Unable to locate.

8:28pm    Elizabeth St. Disturbance. Subject advised of the complaint.

8:36pm    Elm St. Disturbance. Subjects advised of their rights.

8:47pm    Dennis Ave. Noise Complaint. Subject advised of the complaint.

9:00pm    Hart St. Disturbance. Subjects advised of their rights.

10:10pm  Frank St. Disturbance. Subject left area upon request.

10:22pm  Dennis Ave. Traffic Stop. 2 UTTs issued.

11:12pm  Platt St. Suspicious Person. Parties spoken to.

11:17pm  Hakes Ave. Suspicious vehicle. Vehicle gone upon arrival.

11:26pm  Ransom St. Suspicious Vehicle. Vehicle was gone upon arrival.

11:54pm  Dennis Ave. Noise Complaint. No noise upon arrival.


12:12am  Property Check.

1:09am    Ransom St. Suspicious Vehicle. Check of area was negative for vehicle.

1:39am    Property Check.

1:47am    Shawmut Drive. Suspicious vehicle. Sent on way.

2:07am    Property Check.

2:08pm    Property Check.

2:09pm    Property Check.

2:26am    Thacher St. Field Interview Report.

2:43am    Property Check.

2:58am    Property Check.

2:53am    Property Check.

3:15am    2a-6a parking tickets.

9:18am    Headquarters. Assist Other Agency. Assistance rendered.

9:20am    Park Dr. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

1:57pm    Maple City Drive. Vehicle Complaint. Operator advised of complaint.

2:30pm    Davenport St. Neighbor Dispute. Parties advised of their rights.

2:39pm    Park Dr. Vehicle Unlock. Assistance rendered.

3:30pm    Loder St. Traffic Stop. UTT issued.

3:59pm    Headquarters. UTT dismissal form completed.

4:01pm    East Main St. Traffic Stop. UTT issued.

4:18pm    Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

4:38pm    Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

4:56pm  Bennett Parkway. Motor Vehicle Accident. Accident report completed.

5:21pm  Wells St. Missing Juvenile. Returned home.

6:13pm  Seneca St. Suspicious condition. Subjects advised of the complaint.

7:09pm  Hornell St. Alarm. Alarm was accidentally activated.

8:20pm  West Main St. Traffic Stop. Operator advised.

8:29PM  Maple City Drive. Traffic Stop. 2 UTTs issued.

8:49pm  Loder St. Traffic Stop. UTT issued.

9:06pm  East Vanscoter St. Traffic Stop. UTT issued.

9:45pm  Canisteo St. Traffic Stop. UTT issued.

9:52pm  Property Check.

11:43pm Frank St. Disturbance. Subject left upon arrival of officers.

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Christopher A. Woolgar, 68, Hornell

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