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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Steuben and Allegany county eligible for millions in NY state aid in the aftermath if Tropical Storm Fred

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Jasper and Woodhull were among Steuben county towns hardest hit by August 2021 flash flooding

Governor Kathy Hochul has announced nearly $4.4 million in federal hazard mitigation funding is available to local governments and certain non-profits in nine counties impacted by Tropical Storm Fred. Through FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, these entities can apply to receive funding to cover up to 75 percent of costs for projects that enhance resiliency and reduce the impacts of future extreme weather.

“Climate change is a reality we cannot afford to ignore and it is critical that communities have the financial resources to fund projects that will boost the resiliency to flooding and other extreme weather,” Governor Hochul said. “This hazard mitigation funding will help New Yorkers in counties hardest-hit by Tropical Storm Fred move another step closer to recovery. In order to prepare for future weather events, we must invest in rebuilding these communities and strengthen them through preventative measures.”

Local governments and certain non-profits must be within one the following counties to be considered eligible: Allegany, Cayuga, Cortland, Lewis, Oneida, Onondaga, Steuben, Tioga and Yates.

Following a Presidential disaster declaration, FEMA provides this funding for states to administer grant programs supporting local hazard mitigation planning and long-term hazard mitigation measures to reduce the loss of life and to improve property damaged by natural disasters. Local governments and certain non-profits that perform government-like functions in the counties covered by the declaration are eligible to apply for these grants.

Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Jackie Bray said, “As the frequency and severity of extreme weather continues to grow each year, it’s essential we ensure our communities are built to withstand whatever Mother Nature throws at us. In every corner of the state, communities are working hard to develop projects that will make them more resilient in this new reality and this funding is critical in not just getting those initiatives off the ground, but actually completed.”

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