Great family fun to support shelter animals in Hornell
Dog and cat microchipping only $20
Don’t miss out on the fun this weekend at the Hornell Area Humane Society event, “Cause 4 Paws.”
The FREE family event will be held in the Jillian Andolina Dog Yard from 10am – 1pm. Besides the great deal on microchipping your pet the event promises to be a great way to entertain the kids. Face painting, a Kids Tent, a photo booth, and lots of fun watching the pet games. Who will be the biggest dog? The smallest pooch? Who will win the Wiener Dog Race ?? Ready for a pet costume parade ?
There will be a food tent with lunch service and a gift basket auction. Gift bags and don’t forget the novelty: Dog Poop Bingo. You will have to show up at the event to find out more about that……