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Summerscape on Loon Lake By Tim McCarthy

Candidate Lee Zeldin on the offense in bid for NY Governor

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The Congressman from Long Island is the Republican nominee for the November 2022 election

The Zelden-Esposito campaign has been working overtime to openly challenge sitting NY Governor Kathy Hochul this week. On Thursday July 13, his campaign has issued three blunt statements that question Hochul’s leadership and call for her ouster in the upcoming election:

“Where are you Kathy?” Congressman Zeldin Calls on Kathy Hochul to Break Silence on Alvin Bragg and Jose Alba Case

NEW YORK – Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), the Republican Party and Conservative Party candidate for Governor, is calling on Governor Kathy Hochul to come out of hiding, speak up, call for the charges against Jose Alba to be dropped and the woman who stabbed Alba to be prosecuted, and remove Alvin Bragg as Manhattan District Attorney.

“Kathy Hochul was asked Monday about Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and the Jose Alba case. She deflected and punted about how it would be inappropriate for her to weigh in, but according to the New York State Constitution, the Governor of New York is given the power to remove a District Attorney for refusing to enforce the law. We don’t have recall elections in New York.

“Just like demands for cashless bail repeal and her long-stalled COVID investigation, Hochul is dead wrong to think this Alvin Bragg and Jose Alba issue will all just go away, as she insists that New Yorkers just cut Bragg some slack. New Yorkers demand Bragg be removed. If Hochul doesn’t do it, I will, on January 1st, as my first action as Governor.
“The murder charge against Jose Alba still hasn’t been dropped.
“The woman who stabbed him in the couple’s attack on Alba still hasn’t been charged.
“Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg still needs to be FIRED for this case, his Day One Memo, and much more.
“Kathy Hochul still remains in hiding, refusing to show any leadership at all regarding Bragg and the Alba case.
“Where are you Kathy?”

Congressman Lee Zeldin Statement on Kathy Hochul Again Extending Her Own COVID Emergency Powers

NEW YORK – Today, Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), the Republican Party and Conservative Party nominee for Governor, issued the following statement after Governor Kathy Hochul quietly and unilaterally extended her own COVID emergency powers once again:  

“Once again, Kathy Hochul has unilaterally bypassed the New York State Legislature and extended her self-claimed emergency powers in the name of COVID. Kathy Hochul’s lust for more power and control is the disease New Yorkers should be most concerned about. She seems to really think New Yorkers are all just stuck here living in her world as Emperor Governor. On November 8th, Kathy Hochul needs to be removed from office to save our state.”

Congressman Zeldin Rips Kathy Hochul After She Quote Tweets Out Selectively Edited Zeldin Interview Clip

NEW YORK – Today, Congressman Lee Zeldin (R, NY-1), the Republican Party and Conservative Party candidate for Governor, is setting the record straight after Kathy Hochul posted a quote tweet this evening using a selectively edited clip of a Zeldin TV interview:

“Kathy Hochul has been a County Clerk, Congresswoman, Lieutenant Governor, and Governor. The issue isn’t that she has never held positions of power. The issue is that she has been a disaster. To save our state, Hochul’s new title will soon be ‘unemployed’.

“She has been elevated multiple times to higher positions of power capitalizing on scandal around her and taking positions she found advantageous at the time, only to flip flop to the opposite position in the future. Hochul is in over her head, and a walking identity crisis, constantly pandering pathetically to pro-criminal, tax and spend liberals in her base.

“She claims she doesn’t have the data to repeal cashless bail even though it’s right in front of her face. Meanwhile, Hochul claims she doesn’t need data to strip away second amendment rights of law-abiding citizens, because she’s power hungry and knows the data doesn’t exist.

“Hochul unilaterally signs off on self-claimed COVID emergency power extensions even though the legislature never consented. She sells off access to her office and massive taxpayer funded grants in pay for play exchanges for campaign contributions.

“She refuses to take stances on issues like qualified immunity, because her calculation is to play all sides. She refuses to remove Alvin Bragg as DA or stick up for Jose Alba, because she lacks the courage and intestinal fortitude to do her duty to secure our streets.

“Hochul is doing plenty of damage to New York all on her own. Then, of course was her decision to screw New York taxpayers with a $600M payout to the out-of-state billionaire Bills owners while her husband was serving as the General Counsel of the company with the vendor contract for Bills Stadium.

“Hochul’s Gotta Go!”

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