Cooper is seeking re-election as 3rd Ward Alderman
The Pastor of the First Baptist Church asks for your vote this Tuesday November 8
Why should the people of the 3rd Ward keep me and elect me as their Alderman and represent them on the Common Council?
⁃ I will continue work hard to address the day-to-day concerns of the people of 3rd Ward
⁃ I will ensure, that children have safe streets and safe playgrounds to have fun with their family and friends
⁃ I will continue to effectively serve as a link between the people of the 3rd Ward and the leadership of the city of Hornell
⁃ I will continue to stand in solidarity with churches and community members to fight against those who spread and spew hate and fear
⁃ I will continue to support the businesses, agencies, and community organizations that are within the 3rd Ward
⁃ If I am fortunate enough to be elected as 3rd Ward Alderman, I will serve the people of the 3rd Ward with humility, integrity, and servant-leadership