Without readers and partners, the Hornell Sun couldn’t shine
By Andrew Harris
When we started the Hornell Sun it was the product of reader requests. Steuben county residents that followed our daily reporting on the Wellsville Sun reached out and demanded that someone reboot the local news.
John Anderson, who had been at the helm of the Spectator, appeared out of nowhere and helped make it happen.
He assembled a local news team with great photographers like Steve Harrison and put a strong focus on youth sports in Steuben County. The archive already created by the Anderson/Harrison duo consists of nearly one thousand professional images and stories of local student atheletes. Locals like Syrena Lynn Carver have shared great imagry, attended public meetings, and featured local businesses.
Now that we have a few months under our belt, more people are reading the Sun everyday. Readers are fueling partnerships with community anchor businesses like The Ryan Agency. We receive amazing support and friendship from the people at Aims Self Storage, who advertise their business but also want to help rebuild the local news. Laura Picco and her family at the Dagon Funeral Home have been wonderful resources and friendly advisors. We are very thankful for welcome and the support!
You, the reader have ultimately made it happen, as the famous author John Cheever famously said, “I can’t write without a reader. It’s precisely like a kiss—you can’t do it alone.”
Without you, the Hornell Sun would never have been and certainly couldn’t be expanding and planning to become a permanent part of Hornell and Steuben county.
Thank you for reading, sharing, contributing, and helping us create a community-based news source that is accessible to all.
We are always looking for contributors, writers, artists, and local businesses to partner with. If you aren’t interested, share this with friends and maybe someone you know will be a perfect match !