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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

The Keuka Dragons wrap up another great season on the lake

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Finger Lakes Boating Museum sponsored club formed in 2020

From the Keuka Lake Dragons,

Dragon boating is the fastest growing team water sport in the world! It involves a 40 foot long racing canoe with 10-20 paddlers, a steer person, and a drummer … and is an excellent form of fun, exercise, and team building.

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The Keuka Dragon Boating Club at the docks after a successful 2021 season! 

Keuka Lake resident Marion Tunney discovered a passion for dragon boating in Florida and decided to bring her new new interest north to New York. Her goal upon returning to Keuka Lake was to create a Keuka Dragon Boat Club whose members will enjoy the sport and compete against other Dragon Boat clubs in the Finger Lakes region. After working with the Finger Lakes Boating Museum to acquire boats, the Keuka Dragon Boat Club was born! 

“Keuka Dragons” membership is open to anyone 16 years and older. 

Congratulations to John Marshall who won the 1942 Old Town Canoe from the Keuka Dragon Boat Club Raffle!

We want to thank everyone who participated in the raffle this year! Your proceeds support the Keuka Dragon Boat Club!

Visit to learn more about the Keuka Dragon Boat Club.

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