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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Five Hornell Police Officers Receive Lifesaving Award

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Chief Murray: “The officers, acting as a team, and ignoring risk to themselves…..”

From the City of Hornell,

The Board of Public Safety awarded five officers the Hornell Police Department’s “Lifesaving Award” at their June meeting. Chief Ted Murray recognized Captain Michael Sexsmith, Sergeant Todd Giglio, Patrolman Ian Hamilton, Patrolman JR Emo, and Patrolman Trevor Stiles for their heroic efforts during an incident in March of this year.

Chief Murray praised the officers “for their swift and effective actions on the evening of March 25th, when faced with a violent subject armed with a knife.” The subject had stabbed a victim and threatened to take her life. Murray stated, “The officers, acting as a team, and ignoring the risk to themselves, entered the apartment and neutralized the threat posed by the knife-wielding individual, using minimal, less-than-lethal force.” The officers then immediately tended to the victim, assisting with her injuries, and ensured she received the necessary care. 

Chief Murray commended each officer for their lifesaving efforts, which went above and beyond the call of duty, and highlighted that their actions prevented any continued deadly assault upon the victim or others.

Mayor John Buckley remarked, “Police work is a dangerous job, and it’s incidents like these that remind us just how perilous situations can be. Our officers respond to dangerous scenarios every day without knowing what threat may be behind the door. It takes someone special to do the work they do, and we are blessed and fortunate to have a great group that react effectively.”

Each officer was presented with a Life Saving Award certificate and medal at the meeting by Chief Murray, and was officially recognized for their actions by the Board of Public Safety. 

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