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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Benefits for Friendship fire victims set for Saturday January 25

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Basket Raffle at Friendship Central School, dinner and live music at the Friendship American Legion

Can’t make it? Secure donations being accepted at the Friendship ALCO Credit Union branch

Photo by Ashley Hint,

January 3 changed the lives of eight families and the future of downtown Friendship NY. Just as fast as the fire started, the community started to rally. Organizing relief efforts for such a massive loss of housing and property has required a major crisis response by local and county agencies.

Thankfully the community is looking toward recovery has now begun and there are a few great ways you can help.

Main Street Wellsville NY

What can you do immediately to help?

The Friendship Free Library has taken lead and Friendship branch of ALCO Federal Credit Union has agreed to set up a fund for the victims and accept donations.

Another way is to connect with the Friendship Free Library. The stalwart crew at the library are accepting basket donations for the January 25 raffle and are accepting other donations. Get in touch with the library staff to find out what is still needed and what they have a plenty of already.

January 25 will be a great day to chip in and help these families recover. The Friendship Central School cafeteria will host a huge basket auction from 10am until 2pm. Carlin’s Catering and the live music stage will start at the Friendship American Legion at 1pm.

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