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Poll Results: Over 25% of Sun readers do not use social media

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Facebook/Instagram domiate, Truth social is a flop

By Andrew Harris

Our readers have spoken and with some very interesting results about if, and how they use social media.

The big news is that one in four participants in the poll report that they do not use any social media platform. reports that nationally, 18% of Americans do not have a social media:

“Social media usage is one of the most popular online activities and in 2021, 82 percent of the population in the United States had a social networking profile, representing a two percent increase from the 80 percent usage reach in the previous year.”

For those who do use social media, Facebook and Instagram(owned by the same parent company META,) are the preferred platform. This isn’t a major suprise with our readers because Facebook is the primary social media tool of the Sun. We do some “tweeting” and “tubing,” but the majority of our daily readers come to our site from Facebook. In case you don’t follow us: Wellsville Sun & or the Hornell Sun

Pinterest is more popular than Twitter and Snapchat, which is a slight surprise considering the national hype about Twitter.

YouTube, arguably a social media platform, is second to the “Meta” universe of Facebook/Instagram. Our Youtube channel has some great stuff available if you haven’t checked it out:

If Donald Trump’s personal social media platform is any indication of his candidacy for President in 2024, the jig is up for Trump. Only two out of nearly five hundred votes reported using Truth Social. Considering that the demograpics of our readers are overwhelmingly Republican, the lack of particpation is not a good sign for Trump 2024.

Look for a new poll question starting every Monday. Do you have a burning question for our readers? Submit your poll question suggestions anytime,

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