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Bush Hill Beauty By Douglas Sciorra

Steuben Legislature Faces Packed Agenda

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Meetings Monday February 27 in Bath

A public hearing, the annual update on Corning Community College and concern about New York State’s plans to cut federal assistance to counties top a long list of agenda items Steuben County legislators face when they meet at 10 am Monday in the county Annex.

The list also includes opposition to potential changes to the state’s soil, water and conservation law, and support for amending the state’s Penal Law and Cannabis Law in relation to certain acts and subsequent penalties in the criminal sale of cannabis.

The public hearing, set before the 10 am regular session , is on a change to a local law enacted in 1987 and would require tax collection from any realtors and/or online rental platforms providing short- term rentals.

Agenda items include:

  • CCC President Dr. William Mullaney is expected to address county legislators about the important role it plays in the community, the county and in the lives of its students. The annual presentation typically includes the advances the college has made in 2022 and expectations for the future.
  • The full board will respond to a proposal in the state’s 2023 budget to cut federal Medicaid funding earmarked for counties, would end the Affordable Care Act’s enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (eFMAP) federal pass-through to counties and New York City.

The budget proposal means as much as a $2.5 million loss this year to county taxpayers, local officials said.

Under the new proposal, the State would keep all the eFMAP federal funds allocated to counties going and use them to cover further expansions of Medicaid eligibility and benefits and to increase payments to health care providers, while building its own reserves.

According to The New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) the state’s proposal is in complete opposition to the US Congress’ intention for the federal savings to be shared with counties in proportion to the amount they contributed toward the nonfederal Medicaid match.

  • Legislators also are expected to oppose a proposal to change the state’s soil, water and conservation law. The state’s current law provides a framework that allows Steuben to choose its unique representation of local needs and would have a major impact on the ability to make decisions through informed partners on the very issues that these districts deal with every day, county officials say.
  • Steuben lawmakers also will look to support change in state law that would impose penalties on the so-called “sticker stores” giving gifts of cannabis-related items after purchasing other items. That practice has arisen because the state has failed to develop regulations for legal dispensaries to provide cannabis products to the general public with the result that unscrupulous individuals are operating through a loophole in the law.

Following the regular session of the county Legislature, the board will host the Rochester-based MRB Group, which will give a presentation on recent public input workshops on Steuben’s first 15-year Comprehensive Plan. The group hopes to inform legislators about the plan’s progress, other plans to engage public interest and engage local support.

The Steuben County Legislature agenda is located


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