American Rescue Plan funds pay the nearly $200,000 bill
The Department of Public Works recently received some new equipment with the arrival of a new loader. The loader was purchased using funds provided through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).
“The recommendation is to use ARPA funds for non-recurring expenses. There’s a lot of Public Works equipment that is of advanced age, and we’ve been facing increased difficulty obtaining parts and providing repairs. In this case, the predecessor for this loader was 20 years old. We definitely get our use out of these pieces of equipment,” stated Mayor John Buckley.
The Common Council approved the budget transfer of $198,038 from the ARPA funds to purchase the piece during their January meeting.
“Replacing aging Public Works equipment is much needed. This will improve services with increased reliability as well as stabilize costs. A loader is multi-purpose and can be used year-round. We use it for moving loads of snow, dirt, or gravel. We are also able to use it to plow snow. This one has a larger shovel capacity than previously and can better meet our needs,” noted Superintendent Mitch Cornish.
The new loader has already been put to good use and will be an essential piece of equipment for the upcoming street paving season.