Take time to enjoy the march toward the longest day of the year
Column by Andrew Harris, photo by Oak Duke
This is it kids, you’ve got twenty days to savor the late sunsets before the days start to shorten. On June 22 the summer season officially starts, the “greening” ends, and the slow turn toward autumn begins. Don’t get me wrong, this summer will be a great ninety days of sun, fun, and front porch dinners. But don’t let the next three weeks slip by unappreciated. As Oak Duke wrote in his longstanding “In the Outdoors,” column this week, fawns are dropping. Try to get a first hand glimpse of a clumsy, spotted fawn with a doting mother. Something about this sight moves people and reminds us of our own early lives. You can’t put this smell in a bottle, and June sure smells different than July !! We’ve had amazing shows from the lilacs, azaleas, rhododendron, poppies, and tulips. This week the irises are popping, columbine will be bountiful, and berry bushes are full of blossoms. Timothy grass is flowering and most conifers are releasing plumes of pollen. While I sympathize with those like me who suffer from allergies, this mix is worth the suffering. Find a plush spot and take the time to smell June. She isn’t without her dangerous side though!! June brings one specific concern if you are out and enjoying your “neck of the woods.” Giant hogweed is flowering! This invasive plant has invaded and filled our rivers and streambeds. The plant is very toxic to the touch, especially the flowers. When I say toxic, I mean potentially deadly. The resins can seriously burn human skin, lead to blindness, and could kill a small child. While no deaths have been directly attributed to the plant, the potential certainly exists. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t mess with this plant ! Read more about Giant Hogweed. https://www.invasivespeciesinf… |
This column originally was published in our weekly newsletter on June 2, along with our top stories from the week, delivered to your inbox every Sunday afternoon. Sign up below, it is free and we don’t share your email address